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good morning, dear. |
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Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
just because its 8 in the freaking morning and im still wide awake with nothing better to do. We really were supposed to be looking for jobs but after applying for one at the "Kinokuniya" bookstore, we decided to call it a day and spend the rest of the day taking pictures instead. That always happens, we tend to sidetrack and end up not doing what we're really REALLY supposed to be doing. But nonetheless, i had fun (: Okay, i apologised for the boring entry. I bet im already driving half of you to sleep. Wait, you guys are asleep. I really cant be bothered to go on babbling about how my day was because i keep yawning now. So the next time i cant sleep, ill just write me a wrong pointless entry. No, i dont rely on sheeps to make me fall asleep. -_- I was watching My Sister's Keeper and bawling my eyes out
when i saw my sister walking to her bedroom so i called out to her and curiousity got the better of me.. this is what i asked her.. "Would you donate one of your kidneys to me IF i ever needed it? I bought you a bubble tea earlier, you owe me one." She looked at me stupidly like as if i just asked her to smell her own butt and replied bluntly, "What? No." and continued walking to her bedroom like its a no biggie. Seriously, fml. Guess who's back in the biznezzz (: I know i promised that i will continue updating after my o's and its been 290382093 days since the last paper. The problem with me is that im a huge procastinator. I shall not go into about how my papers were because i really cant be bothered to recall but i pretty much managed to handle it. My life has rather been, pretty dull eversince the holidays. I havent been active, im always sleeping. Other than eating, of course. Oh, did i mentioned how my mum has already started to cook?! I know right?! She deserved a standing ovation, im not even kidding. That's only because, she decided to be a housewife now. I honestly think, the whole scene of her cooking and cutting vegetables should be in the movie 2012. Yeah, you're missing out big time.. i have alot to tell. My aunt gave birth to an adorable baby boy (: I swear he's the cutest i ever laid my eyes on. I meant that as in, excluding Zac of course. Ha, kiddinggg. They're both really cute, obviously. (: Hm.. what else. My sister turned 14 on the 18th of november (: Happy belated birthday to her <3 Coincidentally, Aariz was also born on the 18th of november. Now you're going to think im suffering from that, dont you.Now, how freaking cool is that?! Hm. I seriously need a job but the thought of having to get up from my bed and leave for work is bringing me close to tears. I could literally live on that thing, my bed. No, im not secretly suffering from heliophobia either. Stop thinking that. Ugh, me and my big mouth. I need a job, badly. |