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FINAL DESTINATION IS M18! AGH. FML FML FML. ![]() Look at how happy i was? xD! This was way back in 2008. The Proposal was splendid. I went to catch the last slot with Bestfriend on last Friday (: Oh, did i tell you how stupid my prelim's composition title is? "Tradition." I had so much confidence. I thought that the title that was going to be given to me was something painless, the sort of thing that i could still manage to slog through even if i felt incapable of functioning academically. Added to that, the comprehension passage was gibberish. I am so screwed. Its depressing how i was really looking forward to doing my english paper. Not even that, i have yet to tell you how amazingly retarded my third conversational oral question is. "What challenges do you think doctors are facing nowadays?" How charming is that? I am a student, i really have no clue. How do you expect me to answer that in like 5 seconds. I did managed to speak though. I blurted out the most crappiest response that has ever occurred in the history of crappy response. I have no idea what i just said. Im complaining way too much. I need a break. I think i shall go pleasure myself by making out with a secret inflatable Zac Efron doll. HA. HAHA. That was a joke, clearly. I would have already bought his inflatable doll if there happens to be one. Are you ready to get your world rocked?!! Here's a riddle to end this off. Be happy. the beginning of eternity. the end of space. the beginning of every end. the end of every place. What is that? My mt results.. DONT EVEN ASK. ![]() My O levels MT results is out tomorrow. Agh, wish me luck. (: This.. you must watch. I love it and if any of you happen to be watching these movie teasers alone at home on youtube and came across "Orphan" and decided that you really want to watch it but all your boyfriends and girlfriends and friends or even parents are too busy with their own life to pay any attention to you at all. I'll be more than glad to watch it again (: I have never been so emotional and mad in my entire life to the point where i was merely yelling at the screen, it freaks me out. Kidding.. of course ive been mad and emotional before but you get my point. Lucky enough, no popcorns were being thrown at me. Esther gives the chills so bad. D: I love you, man tickles my tummy. xD Here's a snippet of which i would rewind 3 to 5 times everytime i watch it. (: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8W3NERMKIBM The embed is disabled. Oh oh and.. something happened earlier that cracked me up while i watching that on Youtube with my sister. Ever heard of the "Makcik Jual Keropok" rumor thats been going around for a while now? Me; "HAHAHA! Im slappin da bass, mon. Im slappin.." Sister; "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" Then suddenly, theres a knock on the door. "Assalamualaikum.." Sister and me; *Looks at each other* Me; *Whispers* "Kau dengar tak?" [You heard that?] Sister; "Whispers back" "Dengar." [I heard.] So the whispering continues.. Me; "Pegi tengok, pegi tengok! Go go go go!." [Go and see who that is, go go go go!.] Sister; "Kau pegi!" [You go!] Me; "PEGIIII!" [Gooooooo!] Sister; *Crawls to the door and looked through the peephole* "Eh, makcik jual keropok.." [Eh, the aunt who sells crackers.] HAHAHAHAHA! That doesnt makes any sense when i translated it to English.. but oh well.. you get my drift. Me; "EH?! Describe describe." [Describe how she looks like to me.] Sister; "Dier pakai tudung, bawak plastic beg besar dengan trolley." [She's wearing a scarf, brought a big plastic and a trolley with her] Me; "Really?! *giggles* REALLY?!" [You understood that.] Sister; "Ah'ah." Me; *Giggles. Crawls to her with my favourite long strawberry pillow and whispered* "Eh, dier masih ade ah." I couldnt stop giggling at the thought of how stupid we were but im going to be really honest about it , the thought of it all scared the shit out of me all at the same time. Sister; *Giggles* Me; *Whispers* "Kau rase dier masih ade tak?" [Is she still there, you think?] Sister; "HUH?!" Me; *Giggles and whispered* "Shh! Diam la, dier boleh dengar kau. Aku takot ah." [Shush, she can hear you! Im scared.] Sister; *Whispers* "Orang sebelah is the next victim. [Our neighbour next door is going to be the next victim.] By this time, we were already laying on the floor while laughing and giggling our butts off right there and then. The whole situation was so dumb and silly, you should have been there. My neighbour actually uploaded this. Yes, that was what we did during National Day. Just because i slept and missed the parade, i decided to stay in bed [Man, i could live in that thing forever.] and type out the pledge. ![]() I went over to Bestiie's house yesterday to see how she's doing. Being the strong and jovial girl that ive always known for 6 years, tops.. [and counting] im certain she'll get through this in no time (: though i still get really worried, but thats just me. I get worried over EVERYTHING, you know that dont you? I Love You, From The Moon And Back. <3(: Oh and there's maths tmr which clearly explains the picture above. D: |