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PART OF THE ANALYSIS TO KNOW YOUR REAL SHAPE AND COLOUR!" -Nur Sadrina .. Got it from my Bestfriend's multiply.
Click on the picture above to read. I enjoyed the background music to this page ;D Go try it. http://www.bupaworld.com/ Do you ever get this feeling where you're tempted to do something and then at the very next moment, you decided to be all, "Ah, scratch that.. i'll do it some other day" like how i told my mum that my jeans needs to be altered so i could wear them way back in January and i havent got it done. It's annoying, isnt it. I hate it when that happens and its not even on purpose! Its just this good feeling of getting something done came rushing and then you get so excited but the feeling decided to be mean and backfired. I got bored of doing my Chemistry homework because the equation that i did, didnt make any sense and furthermore, i had no other ways on how to figure it out. I ditched it and decided to be creative by wasting my time rearranging all the furnitures in my room eventhough theres not much that could be done because my room happens to be smaller than your television screen and thats when i found this frame board all dusty and such. I was thinking of pasting a couple of pictures on it and hang it on my wall, like as if it would make any difference to my room but i thought, "why not? Its so much more interesting than doing Chemistry". I texted my neighbour asking her if she could accompany me to the shops because i wanted to print those pictures, half expecting a "OMYGOD! WHY HAVENT I THOUGHT OF THAT?! THATS SO COOL! YOU'RE SO COOLLL! LETS GOOO!" but she replied, "WHAT FOR?! DECORATION USE?!?!! GO STUDYYYY! O LEVELS IS IN A FEW MONTHS TIME!" thrown back in my face instead. Wow. I got sooo excited there for about a nanosecond. Well.. having a neighbour (who was sneaky enough and posted an entry earlier stating that she rocks the neighbourhood in my blogspot which i eventually found out later on and deleted the entry because no chance in hell is she getting any limelight here, HAHA!) , these teachers, my mum.. (When it comes to nagging, my mum always takes the cake) decided to be annoying and nags at you, reminding you that O levels is in a few months time and there isnt anymore time to rearrange any furnitures or sharpen your pencils or whatsoever is a good thing as you are constantly being reminded that this is major, fool around somemore lah, you're as good as dead. My Bestfriend, on the other hand doesnt even need to nag. Just the thought of her having her holidays now and no more dealing with all these annoying school stuffs that im currently going through is more than enough to make me envious. Im already tensed up and nervous just thinking about my O levels that im going to sit for. Its still February for sakes, March in a few days! and im having a hard time understanding the chapter about Mole or mol, i never knew what the correct spelling is. All these stuff is driving me nuts and its not even maths we're talking about now! But anyway, back to my point.. I am aware that this is not my proudest moment because my frame board is still bare and collecting dust so its never really a good thing to procastinate.. yeah, eventhough for some reason, i still do it but whatever. xD Okay, enough. I know that this has no relations to the post or whatsoever. But.. Check this out. .. ![]() Be sure to catch it though (: .. ![]() (L) <33!
![]() Wednesday. Im never fond of Wednesdays but thats basically because its going to be a long day at school. I was reading my Bestfriend's multiply and she gave me an idea, so i decided to look it up and i came across this, didaskaleinophobia (Fear of going to school). It made me giggle. I cant even begin to imagine how my parent's letter to the principal will sound like. "Dear principal, i am aware of my daughter's strange reaction and and her overwhelming desire to escape the situation when i mentioned the word, school to her. She would start shaking and have trouble breathing which i believe is very unlike her. Therefore, i am writing in to inform you that she is suffering from didaskaleinophobia and might not be able to attend school for the rest of her life.." O_O! HAHA! No, im definitely not suffering from that. The problem with that is i tend to behave like a student with an ulcer whenever it comes to my least favourite subject. I personally think my Bestfriend is right, i am suffering from Arithmophobia. But anyway, i wasnt present in school today because my sister is sick and im suppose to look after her but it turns out that my mum decided not to turn up for work either so now, she's at home. And im bummed because we have been doing a rather boring report writing for the whole of last week and the last two days so im really looking forward to today's english lesson as we'll be doing an essay writing eventhough its entitled "Complaint". At least its not, "The Happiest Day Of My Life". Pink Panther, Bestfriend, its a date (: I really really want to watch He's Just Not That Into You! But i dont know of anyone that would want to watch it with me besides my mum. HAHA! I spent the whole of my Valentine's day with her watching High School Musical 3 at home and it was pathetic because i was excitedly on the edge of my seat whenever Zac appears and everytime i pointed out how cute and gorgeous he is. My mom would just roll her eyes at me and it felt like ive been slapped in the face. I am appalled. Pftt! So, i canceled my movie date with my mum. Not my fault, has to be done. No one rolls their eyes at me when im stating the obvious and thats final. Capiche? HA! And well at the same time, she will have to agree with me eventually. She IS my mum whether she likes it or..not. xD! Ps; I love my mum eventhough i secretly think she's suffering from amathophobia because she just freaked out and yelled at me for ignoring the tiny pieces of dust on the floor and told me to get a broom and sweep it off, like right away. .. Oh and, i decided to look up on what are the characteristic of a Capriconist just for the fun of it (: Her general demeanour lacks confidence. However there is definitive improvement in her constitution after 16 years of age. The nose is generally long and the eyes are deep set. The face bears a forlorn look. The body below the waist is normally on the thinner side. Overall appearance of a Capricorn woman is however of a smart and attractive woman. human nature the way no one else does. You also have the ability to analyse and understand any concept well and shall possess a good memory. Therefore you will prove good at all professions that require analytical thinking and understanding. The Capri woman also has the tendency to postpone her actions till the time she is able to clearly see the consequences of what she does. It is not very natural for you to just smile & make friends. It also translates - you are not a party animal. You are modest and polite and do not believe in showing off. You have a deep understanding of human nature and think and understand the concepts of life and human beings well. When a Capri woman makes friends, she keeps them for a life time. It is not easy to cheat you. You have a very business savvy nature Methodical working ,prudence and the ability to carry on even in most adverse circumstances makes Capricorn people most successful. Women born in this sign are great organisers and have enormous tolerance, patience and steady nature. You are capable of building a team in which you will not have any favoritism but shall deal with people according to their capacity to deliver goods. You are highly tactful, diplomatic, clever, cunning and selfish. However on the flip side , if you allow your negative side to dominate , you cheat others and use them for selfish purposes. The rules - post this list on your profile (in Notes) replacing my answers with yours. Tag 25 people to do the same thing.If I tagged YOU, it's because I want to know more about YOU. So does the world, so don't disappoint us. ***** 1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? -Yes, well not really actually. 2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? -I cant remember. 3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? -at times, i do ;D 4. DO YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND? IF NO, WOULD YOU WANT ONE? -not yet, no. I dont know. 5. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? -DERRRRRRRR! Anyday now. Hahaha. 6. DO YOU USE SARCASM? -YES, I LIKEEE! 7. HOW DO YOU WANT YOUR LIFE TO BE IN A COUPLE OF YEARS? -successful, amazing and free of cockroaches. No im not kidding, i just saw one in my room and its dead. 8. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? -no. 9. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? -kokokrunch. 10. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? -nooooo. 11. WOULD YOU MOVE AGAIN? -definitely not, i love my math teacher. HAHA! My neighbour IS my math teacher now. 12. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? -eyes, hair.. smile especially. 13. RED OR PINK? -redddd. 14. WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? -That i tend to procastinate. 15. WHAT DO YOU MISS THE MOST? -i have no idea. 16. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? -bestfrienddddd. I have so much to tell herrrr. (: 17. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO COMPLETE THIS LIST? -why not. 18. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW? -my dad's spongebobs boxers and no shoes. 19. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? -Mad by Neyo. 20.WHAT ANNOYS YOU THE MOST? -That my mum keeps insisting that i should consider taking up Marine and Offshore Technology when all im really aiming for is either, Early Childhood or Child Psychology and Early Education or Psychology studies or Applied Drama and Psychology. Okay, thats a lot. Im really interested in Mass Communication, actually. 21. FAVORITE SMELLS? -Amor Amor from Cacharel. 22. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? -My mummmm. 23. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? -I love her (: 24. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? -Tennis. HAHA. Really. 25. HAIR COLOR? -Very very very dark brown. 26. EYE COLOR? -Black lor. 27. DO YOU HAVE ANY MAJOR REGRETS? -Cant think of any. 28. FAVORITE FOOD? -Mee Soto from my school's canteen. 29. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? -Either. 30. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED, AND WITH WHOM? -The other end of the line, friends. 31. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? -Blacccck. 32. SUMMER OR WINTER? -Winterr ;D 33. HUGS OR KISSES? -Any. 34. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? -"HM?" 35. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? -"I da makan, you?" XD! I dont know lah. This question doesnt makes sense, respond to what? 36. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? -Confessions of a Shopaholic, Major motion picture <33333333 .. 37. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? -Laptop, No mouse pad. My Bestfriend is jealous. HAHAHAHHAA! .. 38. WHAT DID YOU WATCH ON TV LAST NIGHT? -I didnt watch anything last night. .. 39.WHAT LITTLE THINGS MAKES YOU HAPPY? -Witty comebacks. .. 40. ROLLING STONES OR BEATLES? -None? Okayokay, Beatles. .. 41. WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? -Vietnam. HAHA!! WOOOOOOOOO. Ho Chi Minh City. .. 42. DO YOU HAVE A SPECIAL TALENT? -I climb walls. .. 43. WHERE WERE U BORN? -Singapore General Hospital. .. 44. WHOSE ANSWERS ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING BACK? -Bestfriend, and whoever else. ,, 45. HOW DID YOU MEET YOUR SPOUSE/SIGNIFICANT OTHER? -Bubble tea shop. Pft, refer back to Q 4. .. I dont know if there's still any cockroaches left in my room other than the one that died due to some unknown reasons that is yet to be discovered. Im paranoid, i cant go to sleep like this. D;
and im hardly this cheesy. xD! ![]() change my pants to a bigger size that actually fits me! Now im able to wear it (: This has been bugging me, apart from the math question that im doing now but i do not sound different over the phone now, do i? Even my sister says that i sound a tad more girlish over the phone. What does that even mean?! I sounded like a man before. I am not flattered. Pft.
"You know that thing when you see someone cute and he smiles.. and your heart kind of goes like warm butter sliding down a hot toastttt.. well, thats what its like when i see a store.." OMGOMGOMGOMG! Bestfriend, you and me is soooooooo going on another movie date.
![]() Today WAS the happiest day of my life until.. So, i bought this pants that ive been wanting and looking for all my life. I decided to try it on and it fits me perfectly but thats when i realised that the button to it was missing. I then,took another new pair of the exact same pants and i swear, i picked out the right size. The cashier slides it into a thin plastic bag and hands it to me, and i almost want to cry out loud, the moment was so wonderful. That moment. That instant when you fingers curl round the handles of a shiny, uncreased bag- and all the gorgeous new things inside it became yours. Whats it like? Its like going hungry for days, then cramming your mouth full of warm buttered toast. Everything else is blocked out of your mind. Its pure, selfish pleasure. I went back home with a smile plastered on my face. This might sound a tad unusual coming from me but thanks Hasif for paying the cab fare (: I rushed to my bedroom and tried on the pants and my heart automatically stopped beating when i couldnt pull it up anymore because it got stuck at my mid-thigh KJHDSJASHDKASJDHASDJHASHD! DDD: ! Two things that didnt make it any better was one, i cant wear the pants anymore and if the pants happens to be a sale item, i wont be able to get a refund nor a change for a new size and two, this makes me feel like i have a thigh the size of a canon even if i dont, which i dont by the way. Hopefully i'll be able to get it exchanged or im never stepping out of my house ever again. Well, school is an exception. .. ![]() HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY, SHIKIN (: .. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Oh and what happened to her face, dont ask. I took all these pictures from her blogspot. (: ![]() ![]() Click on David Santos on my tagboard or click on this. He gave me a link to his blogspot. O_O! I have no idea who the hell the person is but he must have read my previous entry about Terrorism and i wasnt even talking about it that much, it was just a line or two. And what does that even mean, "Singapura! Have a nice weekend!" DD; See, now im paranoid. Sheesh. The pictures didnt make my day, even at the slightest. God, im scared. ;[
I just got back from school and i have never been so exhausted. Im so exhausted that im already composing an absent letter in my head for tomorrow when i realised that there's no school, its the bloody weekends, misha! How could i forget that today is friday?! No one forgets FRIDAY! Its insane, something major is going on with me. But anyway, school was alright. I talked a lot, i talked to almost anyone and everyone in the class about anything and everything and if they still think that i dont exist like how im being told when i was back in Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 or go all, "I didnt know you're in my class, I just realised that!" like how they did three days ago in the canteen , which if you think about it, is pretty unflattering, then im gonna bomb the whole class. Im totally kidding, why on earth would i do that. We were discussing about Terrorism in Social Studies today, and no, im no terrorist. I dont have a goatee nor a beard to go with that. Ahahahaa! I was sooo kidding, again. Not everyone with a goatee or a beard is a terrorist, pft. If by any chance, someone with a goatee or a beard to come across this entry, you can blow up my storeroom or the WC for all i care, but please not the laptop k? K. So being me, the talkative one, i didnt complete my Mother Tongue assignment.. again. Not much of a surprise there. But what happened in school, stays in school. These are the people whose asses has been KICKED by me in Facebook. ;D .. the names of those people whose asses ive owned. -Nurul, Nina, Shikin, Nabilah, Kaliesa, Fatin ;D Heidi and Khai.. I OWN BOTH YOUR ASSES TOO (: I didnt manage to kick the both of your asses far enough and if i knew what to press to re-kick, i would so do it in a heartbeat! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Its excruciatingly funny, it made my afternoon. (: Oh and Bestfriend, I ended up talking to Salihin in the school hall because the smell of my perfume and sanitizer that i believe filled the whole place distracted him from this chinese opera performance we had to watch for assembly and of course, all the jumping and stunts and lightning and colours gave me a splitting headache. Thats when he told me i remind him of you. HAHA! So i asked him, in what way. And he said, by the way we walk and talk and all that. HAHAHAHA! Just thought i'd tell you. I miss ya, homeskillet. (: You guessed it right. Yes, thats David Archuleta! Oh-my-gaaaaaaaadddd right? and his hands movements are sexy.
I. have. met. rude. people. by. being. too. over-polite.
Sunday. 010209. in which you can clearly see that the next day is a school day and the thought of it makes you want to just.. wish that it was Friday all over again. Mondays + 6am + teachers + maths = major turn-off. Well, i hate to admit but school isnt that bad. Just having to wake up at the break of dawn could literally turn a preppy to emo. Alright well, i have no idea if that makes any sense. But I had fun, nevertheless. (: .. |