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good morning, dear. |
NinaNurul Nadhirah Aunt Lynn KhaiKhai Nat Fedoura Supeng Biqi Kaliesa Heidi Fatin Syai Atikah Mimi Geetz Mel Kina Nong Jenny Nurul Lutfi Nadia Holas K.Fyza Yuni Iskandar Carmen K.Iza Naddy Yuyun Kin Syida Mikkael Dee archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
![]() I had a date with the neighbour today since my bestfriend wasnt feeling too good, well yesterday because its like, 2 in the morning now. And i swear im never going anywhere especially when i could feel a stomach cramp about to torture me at that very point of time. I thought that it'd be gone and leave me at peace but noooooooo, it didnt. I had to go to the ladies countless times and ended up being in Paragon. So i decided to go to the Ladies again because i was sweating so badly, i look like i just ran around orchard and surprisingly, im in an air conditioned toilet but just as the day could get anymore worst, an effing stuck-up retail assistant that looked the spit of my shit or whatever the ef she's working as at the Prada Boutique shop knocked on my cubicle door twice thinking that i slept in the toilet cubicle. O_O! WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?! I dont know if she's retarded or im actually smarter than her in maths but ive been in the cubicle for only a pathetic 10 minutes and there she goes knocking at the ****ing door thinking that the cubicle belongs to her and that i should hurry. But i didnt got all mad because of that. I got all worked up because there were other cubicles that werent occupied so she could just seriously enter the next cubicle and leave me the ef alone and mind her own business. I was pretty much PISSED and it didnt help that i was having the worst tummyache of the year. So i said this when i came out of the cubicle and i saw a cleaner with this salesgirl that i dont know of, obviously. Me, "Who knocked on my door?" Cleaner, *laughs. "I bla bla bla.." (I dont know what she's mumbling in between her laughs) Me, "Who the fk knocked on my door?!" Cleaner, *keeps laughing. Me, "WHAT THE FFFFFF, WHO!?" Cleaner, *keeps on laughing. Me, "Why did you knock on my door?! I had stomach cramps in there and i wasnt sleeping. Look, the toilet doesnt belong to you so i have the right to use it whenever and you shouldnt knock on my door signalling me to hurry. I need my privacy and you shouldnt have done that! " Cleaner, *laughs, mumbles Me, "Yeah whatever, but you still shouldnt have done that!" And i was on my way out.. Cleaner, * laughs "Not me, her" and pointed to that stuck up who took forever in the cubicle that just walked out and by that time, ive already walked out of the toilet and ignored whatever because i couldnt be arsed and thats when that bitch went all.. "She scold you is it?" I mean, come on. How am i suppose to know the cleaner was innocent and it wasnt her that knocked on my cubicle door when she kept laughing like a retard and couldnt even form the simplest sentence like, "Its not me that knocked, its her" with a straight face. I mean, she definitely had a hard time breathing because she was laughing like maniac. I dont see anything funny about knocking on someone's toilet cubicle door and signalling them to hurry especially when they're having stomach cramps. Thats just clearly.. inhumane. I dont really swear even if im really pissed but THAT, that just get to me.
So moral of the story is; Its never fun getting on someone last nerves especially when it happens to be in the toilet because you might never know, a person with an upset tummy could kill. Never mess with a person that has a terrible tummyache. But anywaaaay, I bought this pretty damned good-looking hoodie at a very handsome price. So my day wasnt all that bad afterall (: ![]() Its 2 and 8 seconds in the morning and i just woke up from my sleep. But its only because i didnt slept at all day before because we were over at Changi with my cousins so they decided to spend a night there. I had to sleep in the bloody tent and it frickin hurt my back. It didnt make things any better either when it started to rain in the middle of the night. But anyway, school starts in a few days time and guess what, im still not prepared to face 2009 yet. Okay that was an understatement, im screwed. Kidding. The thought of me going on to sec 5 is terrifying and exciting all at the same time, its intense altogether. But i'll live. I went to watch that soccer match between Singapore and Vietnam a few days ago. I swear im not a fan of soccer.. at all. I dont even have a favourite soccer player.. i dont even know some of their names! I just went there to see how it feels like to actually watch a live soccer match in a stadium plus i had nothing fun to do at home. I had no idea when the referee called out an offside and one of the players kicked the ball in the goalpost just for the fun of it and i actually shouted, "GOAL!" LIKE A MORON.
Oh the joy. But i must say, i had a fun time getting all worked up when Singapore lost but it wasnt for long that i forgot all about it because i couldnt be bothered but im glad i wasnt as bad as those "Singapore hooligans" at the carpark after the match. Yes, i said it, "Singapore hooligans" and im not even making that up. They actually shouted "Singapore hooooligans" at the carpark when the vietnamese spectators were on their way down. The Singaporeans were pretty much PISSED and wasnt happy with the results so they wasnt satisfied and wanted to take those innocent Vietnamese down. Okay, they werent so innocent because they picked a fight with the Singaporeans first in the stadium by jeering at us and i wasnt surprised when some of them were beaten up by the Singaporeans "hooligans" after the match. But really, if we were to be really mature about the whole thing. Singapore was being a sore loser and the Vietnamese wasnt being as friendly either. YOU GUYS NEED SOME HUGGING TO DO. I passed my N levels so thats another year in school, im moving on to sec 5 (: Thank you to all those that wished me luck. Followed by the ones that asked me how my results was. And also the ones that congratulated me. thank you, thank you. I owe you guys my life. aha, ew that was lame. I dont owe anybody anything. Anyway.. Congratulations to all the ones that passed their N levels too! God bless. .. AHAHAHAHEHE. I love doing that, makes me feel like im on stage thanking everybody after winning the oscars.
![]() 12 more hours, i tell you. 12 more hours and im not estatic about the whole thing. It didnt help when i couldnt find my uniform earlier. But i ended up looking in this trash bag where i just threw all of the clothes that i didnt want in it and i shit you not.. .. my uniform was in there. In the trash bag. O_O! 2 MORE DAYS TILL N LEVEL RESULTS. DDD; !! i know, i know. im not trying to scare all the people thats taking the results this Thursday, i just feel like yelling that but since im in the living room with my dad. I'd rather just do it in here. Ps; I told my neighboour that Ed Westwick turned Gay and she believed me. She did the same thing when my bestfriend told her that my bestfriend's dad is Mr Bean. She's so gullible. HAHAHAHAHAHAA!
I had a lunch date with Holas yesterday (: and there wasnt really much to talk about except for the fact that, he treated me to Swensens and i love the chicken baked rice there. Also, we headed to Timezone after. Im not exactly much of an "arcade" person but i won him on that Tekken machine thing. The one where you have to compete against your partner with all these various fighting moves that i didnt even know existed and i won the first round. I have no idea i was THAT powerful, i shit you not. Really, im flattered. This is something i have to brag about! Im seriously considering taking up Chuck Norris's fighting lessons. Aha, my bad. That was an inside joke. But anyway.. I know you'd be reading this, Holas but thank youuuuuu. I had a splendid yesterday eventhough we had our evenings spent in Northpoint, but you know.. Northpoint isnt so bad now. The place is so huge, it looks like a bloody aircraft hangar. Haha, not really. Holas, im distracted, very distracted by how tall you are. I cant believe im shorter than someone now. HAHA. Not that im VERY tall but im so used to going out with my friends that are actually a tad shorter than me. Okay well, my friends are tall people. But im just a bit, taller. HAHAHA! Im kidding, i love my friends. They make my Sundays. and Mondays. Everyday. (: .. ![]() ![]() And my bestfriend did planned the sweeetest, cherry on top-ish birthday surprise ever, its not even funny. She's willing to get that Zac Efron cardboard off Swensens because she knows how head over heels i get whenever i see Zac. She tried negotiating but it didnt work, damn Swensens therefore the planned failed. But im so touched by what she planned for my birthday surprise. She has a back up plan, so that means im still in for a surprise. Thats soooooo sadrina. Hahahahha! My dearest neighbour told me that she's gotten me something too and because of that, i'll try my best to faster2 finish watching Gossip Girl Season 2 lah hor? HAHA. On a totally unrelevant note, .. .. Ed Westwick has a rich, deep british accent, its bloody intense! I mean, of course by now everybody should have already known but its not my fault im a tad bit behind time. Ive always been a sucker with guys with British accents. Zac Efron is an exception, he takes the cake. xD why? because.. im Bass, Chuck Bass <3 ![]() & along the way to Port Dickson. My dearest family decided to ruin my holiday mood by listening to all of the song that Aliff Aziz sang and thats when i yelled, nooooo make him stop! I found out they were just trying to irritate me. Smooth. .. ![]() .. Thats pretty much what you get to see for the next three hours in the car so i decided to sleep all the way there and the only thing i remembered was that my sister woke me up just to tell me his songs are over. .. ![]() .. Oh and that is my sister. I saw cows and they're shockingly scattered everywhere along the streets. For a moment, i thought they're just statues until one of the cows actually moved. Scared the crap outta me. You sure as hell dont get that in Singapore. Here's some snapshot i took of where we stayed while we're at Port Dickson. .. ![]() .. ![]() ... ![]() .. ![]() .. ![]() .. ![]() .. ![]() .. ![]() ... ![]() .. ![]() .. I totally fell in love with the concept of the place. What i did there. .. ![]() .. ![]() .. ![]() .. ![]() .. ![]() .. Port Dickson was fun but there wasnt much to tell except that what we had for breakfast was a real turn off. Stayed there for a night and off to Genting the next day. .. ![]() ... ![]() ... ![]() .. I didnt want to waste my time doing nothing there so i decided to try out all the rides and i swear! i swear, im never gonna go on that again, ever. .. ![]() ... Its called Space shot and it lifts up to 12 people into the air, providing an exciting G-force on the way up and a feeling of weightlessness on the way down. Its 185 feet and the speed goes at exactly 67km/hour. Its way more than just intense, i immediately regretted going on it when im all the way up and everyone looked like ants from below and i could instantly feel my heart in my throat, im not even gonna kid. .. ![]() .. I would rather go on that anyday now. It was fun, nevertheless. Scary also, very life- threatening but we didnt stayed there. .. ![]() ... ![]() ... ![]() .. That is the picturesque view we get to see on our way back. Breathtaking much? Oh and i didnt messed up my hair to look like that, it was freezing cold and windy. We proceed onto KL next and i swear we lost our way countless times. Didnt manage to capture any shots of the hotel room that i stayed in because i was so effing tireedddd and couldnt be bothered to do so but feel free to go on to yahoo and type in KL; prince hotel. Yeah, thats the hotel we stayed in. Got road bullied by some rude Malaysians, they just wont stop honking. I mean, come on. They could at least give us "face" what. Haiyah. Like as if we know the whereabouts exactly. I bet the people there havent heard of the word disipline, they could use some classes. Got into a fight with this bald indian guy. Lost a handphone, well not my handphone. Checked out but left the carkeys in the safebox in the hotel room. Lost our way again. and again. again. Did i mentioned we lost our way countless times? There's just so many things that happened, i cant possibly put a finger on it. Once we set our foot on any foodstall, things began to pick up its pace and the waiter and waitresses began to rush around us. I cant believe how worked up they were whenever they're taking our orders because there's just so many people talking all at the same time, i want to laugh. And to top it all, at the time of a really long journey and needs to take a piss badly and there a frickin long queue because theres only two fkn cubicle in the ladies, i swear i wish i could just magically turned into some random dude and then i could answer nature's call at any bushes like all the other guys do which would also be weird if that really happens but i dont care. Also while waiting for my turn, i decided to eavesdrop on the conversation of this makcik behind me with her husband on the phone and she went all, "nak kencing pon macam pegi perang" which made me giggle. hahahahaha! Apejela cik, tak relevant langsung. Oh and i bought Gossip Girl 2 and the cover printed was infront was a picture of nate kissing blair. And my mum literally went all, "Whats this?! Why is there so much intimacy?! You wont get to see it until i see what its all about!" O_O! WADDAHELL. skchakjfchahfaf D; ! Since when does high school conflicts turned into pornography?! Hm, parents. .. ![]() SADRINA, WHY YOU GO CUT YOUR HAIR FOR?!!! This is the funniest thing ive ever seen. God, i love her. Its 4.37 in the morning and im all alone laughing to all of Ellen's videos like some deprived child that doesnt get any fun in the afternoon like any other normal kids do and has a sleeping disorder all at the same time. But obviously, im not. She's just hysterical. I watched that video over and over again, and it still cracks me up. Man, that never gets old. .. 1 and a half more hours before i go. Any last goodbyes? (:
Correct me if im wrong but doesnt Chace Crawford looked the spit of Zac Efron .. ![]() in this picture?! Okay, maybe just a tad. This seriously, achingly good looking hunk here is known as Nate in Gossip Girl. .. ![]() ![]() Since everybody is already watching the series, or have already completed watching the Season 1 or maybe the Season 2 of Gossip Girl even, it seems like ive just waited 5 minutes of my time introducing him. I know ive been a tad late in actually giving a damn about watching Gossip Girl, the only series everybody, well everybody i know of that is, has been talking about. Im going to be really honest, i have this ultimate urge of uploading all of Chace's pictures on here but i wont because im too lazy to, apparently. But nevertheless, I swear he is next in line to lasagne.
Anyway, Chace's bestfriend in Gossip Girl, Ed westwick isnt that bad either. .. ![]() ![]() Isnt he just a temptation as well. (: Oh my god, i just realised im beginning to sound like those voice over in those movie trailers. I got my extensions today (: .. .. My neighbour wanted me to get white extensions but lucky enough, my bestfriend decided to stay sane and wasnt down for all the crap so she thought that, that colour would look nice on me. Hahahahahaha, i kid. My neighbour preferred that colour too instead of white. She's just high when she said she wanted me to get white extensions, i bet. HA! And of all places, my pimple decided to torture me by having to place its spot at the side of my mouth and its fricking painful, i tell you. Im not even making that up. D;
I am just downright seriously bummed that the Gossip Girl episode 13 isnt working well on my Windows Media Player. Yes, i am currently on a roll until it screws up. Psh. Anyway, im sticking to brown so i shall rest my case. Hahaha. I will have to agree, red as cool as it may seem does look a tad rebellious on me. I might be getting coloured extensions instead, i havent really made up my mind. Either my sister really did actually misses me or just talking a shit load of bollocks. Ahahahaha. But one thing is for sure, the house isnt really a mess whenever she's not around. I joke, i love you sister... sometimes. I have a three way date with my neighbour and my bestfriend tommorrow and remind me to remind my bestfriend that she has some fascinating story to tell about an indian tourist. Right, im off to do something splendidly heroic like switching off all the lights that my dad left switched on. Psh, so much for energy saving. |