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June 22nd; first day of school. I was late for school because the darn clock didnt went off. June something; Vico city with aunt and sister. June 30th; N-level english oral. I screwed up because i was more focused on how nervous i am, i dont think the examiner understood a word im saying. I didnt understood what i was saying, to be honest. Heck, i dont even know if my answers were relevant to the questions being asked. Also on the very same day, i found out how intensely creepy the hall actually is when no is around. I was the last to leave the hall, unfortunately. The person i sit to next in class; Nabilah aka Fedoura. She loves smiling to herself whenever she's texting someone and she needs to stop doing so because its starting to scare the shiet out of me. HAHAHA! June 30th; 8.42pm. Younger sister is asleep. Im tempted to put a mirror under her nose to see if she's still breathing, but then i figured it wasnt really my problem.
Its unfair how people have to be so judgemental. If everyone were to go around assuming that people with 2345,39474 piercing and hair dyed to about three different colours at once or even a tattoo on their right butt cheek is bad. Then everybody would eventually start having negative thoughts and hating each other and plus, the world would be a very dull place to live in with only t-shirts and jeans. Its probably how they express themselves. Who are we to pass these kinds of remarks, really ? I feel like im in the middle of an uncomfortable debate in the politics , i shall stop. There's a couple of people i know, who is infact, in blood relations with me who is seriously getting on my last nerves. I could date Jeffree Star for all i care, they would most probably end up choking on their own saliva due to how shocked they are, if i really did date Jeffree. Be thankful, im with someone sane who actually understood the term that "Nobody is perfect" unlike a couple of ding-dongs i know who loves to go around talking false shit behind other people's back and labelling other people like they're everybody's cup of tea. I very much do still have a good eye for people and i havent lost my taste at all, thank you very much. It just so happens that im likely to pick the imperfect ones that has the brains to think. They're lucky ive never had intentions of being a murderer.
I was browsing through Yahoo aimlessly, like i always do and this article captured my attention. Can a Night Owl Become a Morning Person? A Slate experiment. By Deepa Ranganathan When I told my friends I had found a way to transform myself into a morning person, they responded in one of two ways. The night people leaned in as if I were about to reveal the location of a stash of pirate gold. The morning people simply regarded me with pity and wonder. "I just don't understand why it's so hard," said one friend, a Danish medical student. "I can get up anytime I want." This sort of smugness is prevalent among morning people, who count among their ranks Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, nearly every American president, and even Jesus. (See Mark 1:35: "And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.") Night people are stuck with psychopaths like Adolf Hitler and Juan Arreola, the guy in Pennsylvania who nearly killed his girlfriend's 2-year-old last year, explaining to a judge, "I'm not a morning person." I'd always been a night owl, but for years I'd longed to defect to the other side. In my fantasies, I was a Fortune 500-type who threw off the covers at 5 and engineered a hostile takeover by 7. Instead, I generally stayed up until 1:30 in the morning, reading magazines or clicking aimlessly through Wikipedia, waking up grumpy and remorseful at 9:30, if not later. Over the years I'd tried all the usual tactics—multiple alarms, earlier bedtimes, lab-rat levels of caffeine—and nothing had worked. As unbelieveable as it may sound, its true. I tend to wake up at the very last minute and find myself rushing in most morning therefore that marked the day that im late for school. It doesnt get any better though that im starting school in a week and i have to get up at 6 in the morning.
The previous entry wasnt all that important so you dont have to understand it. If i were to just basically summarize it, its about someone who loves children. I was just fooling around. And i was just fooling around again in this next video im gonna show you. I bet ive made some of your days there by saying that. Sadly, i wont be uploading it on here because my Youtube account is giving me a hard time but since bestfriend has already uploaded it over at her mulitply. You should go check them out. That goes without saying, im sure the fact that we've done an another lip sync video excites you. I kept forgetting the darn lyrics so i looked a tad retarded. I feel like im doing an advert. Ps; That colourful thing that bestfriend had with her is my colourful stripey socks and ive wore it once with shoes. Muahahahaha! -Attempts evil laugh with head going backwards.
Look at my tagboard. Look at how many times that user Lynnshikin tagged me, i dont even know where to start. She has never tagged me that much before but she always has so much to say, both virtually and in reality. It must be at around 7 in the morning when she tagged me because she's never slept like how a normal person should. How could she accused me of not reading her entries, ive never seen that word ZONKED in her entries before. I think she's just mad at momo for running around the house when she's trying to clean momo's butt with a towel so she decided to vent her anger on me. She is going to run my bestfriend down with the Singapore Flyer and stoning her with those Charles & Keith heels and also is having thoughts of letting Momo run around my bestfriend's house yet she still have the cheek to say she loves children. She is therefore my aunt, and i love her. Ahahahahhahahahahahha. My bestfriend new favourite pick up line is "Aye Bay Bay" She uses it on Momo and now they're going out, officially. MOMO IS A FEMALE CAT. Thats it, im running out of things to say. Im feeling totally drained, as though ive just composed a Beethoven Symphony.
Sleepover was insane in a very good way. I really couldnt be arsed to type everything out, what we did and basically anything that could bore you but i just hated how it ended so quickly. I was totally zonked out [Yes, zonked out. I came across that word in Besfriend's multiply and is immediately attracted to it] by 3am. I couldnt possibly go on any further as i didnt slept at all the day before and was seriously exhausted but nevertheless, i never wanted it to end that fast. All we managed to do is to, flap my hair and watched 1 dvd but thats it. Bestfriend must have had the time of her life flapping my hair, she must have felt very rockstar-ish. No, i enjoyed the flapping. It tickles my neck, i felt like im in heaven when she does that. HAHA! We didnt managed to squeeze any videos of us doing silly things, sadly. Must be hard for our fans to cope with the fact that we didnt. We'll sign your foreheads when school reopens, dont pout. Ahahaha, kidding. We've got ourselves some quite a few flattering responses to our previous "Mocking-beaaaaard" video and that includes an unknown viewer who actually labeled us "crazy gerls..." It made me lol. But anyway, We went for swimming at Jurong before the sleepover though. Maybe that explains why everybody was so tired after. Younger sister and Bestfriend had the same swimming costume on, they look like a SWAT team only without weapons and all those violent man-made things. Meheheheehe, they're cute. Bestfriend must be having thoughts that i cant swim. I can swim, i just happen to be shy. I tend not to handle publicity well. xD Pictures, i will upload them in a bit. I need to get them from Bestfriend.
The video i posted of me and my bestfriend below is currently unavailable and i dont even know why so, There you go (: I'll update the rest in a bit.
I dont know who to answer first so to Nina, Shahida, Fedoura. AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!
I know you had fun, didnt you Bestfriend? Noooo, dont lie. AHAHA! You even insisted another song, Labels or Love but i wouldnt upload it on here because its upside down and i have no idea how to turn it around. Okaaay, maybe i choose the song because i had so much fun but you didnt even argue at all, it all makes sense. HAHAHHAHHA! And LOL at "Tak padan, bergaye eh misha" I love your mom, im going to buy her a knife on her birthday for her next killing. Mehehehehehehe. Maybe i should keep these videos coming so i could get more people to tag at my blog. That sounded really pathetic.
I love how my holidays are turning to be a splendid one, knowing that i have something to look forward to rather than just sit around and watch the same old advert over and over again. Today i did this with Bestfriend. She has the funniest reaction ever. Good thing, i managed to keep a straight face through out or it wouldnt have not been pleasant if i were to burst out laughing in the middle of the video. Im heading to Botanic Garden tommorrow with Fedoura because she wanted to take pictures. Actually, to be really honest. She has been wanting to go many different types of places eversince and yet it has not been fulfilled like for example, The Gym. Oh and, The Club that shamini's father own. Also, The ride in Sentosa. Im assuming she fancies having dreams like that as so to keep boredom away so she wouldnt do things like cutting her fringe. Ahahahahhaa, kidding. Swimming would be on the day after followed with a sleepover with Bestfriend over at mine. Its been ages since we last had sleepovers, basically just talk till dawn or crack some goofy antics, im sure of it. Bestfriend is having visions of swimming as a daily exercise or even, once a week because its healthy and really good for backbones. My backbone. You cant argue with that kind of logic.
Today was well spent with her, already a boxer, herself. A very straightforward boxer, i tell you. She calls carrots, mayonnise and cabbages mixed altogether, stinky stockings. She loves origami that sounded almost like oranges and is thinking of buying a swimming suit that costs at about fifty dollars, tops. She switches off televisions in Carrefour because she hates dumb advertisements. She plays two notes on the piano, a high note and a low note and says that they sounded very terrifying indeed. She loves crispy chickens. She dislikes the original kind. She shops at the "spotlight" and now im addicted to that shop too. She is therefore, My dearest Bestfriend. and her, She is therefore, My dearest Neighbour. I love them both. "The Three Musketeers" And this is my favourite picture taken by the dearest neighbour.
This is obviously one of the reason why i look forward to school holidays. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Can you believe that ive been sitting infront of the computer for the past 8 hours, browsing through every each of the tutorial videos in Youtube, ive most probably viewed all of them, trying my desperate best to learn to play a song on the guitar and i havent even managed to get my fingers on the right chord without screaming in pain, and now ive got blisters on the tip of my fingers. I always end up screwing the whole song im working on by drumming the guitar, which trust me, is waaaay more easier. I should have just gotten myself a drum set instead. I can actually see myself smashing the guitar on the wall due to the frustration. But no, i wont give up just yet plus the guitar is not mine. My grandfather told me that i'll pick it up in no time, but what if i dont? I did Algebra all my life, and ive never picked that up. I think im better off dancing eventhough some of my dance moves is kind of like punching the air like im fighting three invisble men at once. No, i was kidding. Ahaha. Come on, you home skillets, fo real? I aint no bust like that, i got me some of ma own legendary moves, yo. Pfffffft! Mehehe. Anyway, I would never ditch my wanting to play the guitar for a new hobby like dancing. Thats insane, its an act of betrayal to a.. musical piece. Its like betraying to Mozart! Whatever it is, i need four plasters except for my thumb.
Oh, and on a brighter note. HAPPY TWENTY-SEVENTH BIRTHDAY AUNTY! (: Three old men are talking about their aches, pains and bodily functions.One seventy year old man says, "I have this problem. I wake up every morning at seven and it takes me twenty minutes to pee." An eighty year old man says, "My case is worse. I get up at eight and I sit there and grunt and groan for half an hour before I finally have a bowel movement." The ninety year old man says, "At seven I pee like a horse, at eight I crap like a cow." "So what's your problem?" asked the others. "I don't wake up until nine." You're lucky, you're still twenty seven because if you're ninety and facing the same problem, i pity Uncle Wan. You will have to probably sleep with Momo. I lovers you. (:
"Just so you ought to know, im the kind of person that am not fully committed in a relationship but eventhough i am the type, you will expect the least from me but that doesnt mean, i dont love the person im in a relationship with, i still very much do" "I get what you mean, thats why i choose you" Choose me? Like shopping? Seriously, What the hell is that suppose to mean?!