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good morning, dear. |
NinaNurul Nadhirah Aunt Lynn KhaiKhai Nat Fedoura Supeng Biqi Kaliesa Heidi Fatin Syai Atikah Mimi Geetz Mel Kina Nong Jenny Nurul Lutfi Nadia Holas K.Fyza Yuni Iskandar Carmen K.Iza Naddy Yuyun Kin Syida Mikkael Dee archives
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
![]() ... never fails to make me laugh. Happy sixteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen'th birthday, Bestfriend. iloversyoutopieces. [: Ps; Lets go swimming?
Loony alert. Bang, bang crash. Why cant no one in my family open a door normally? How beyond the valley of the really quite mad and entering the world of certifiably bonkers is that? Crashing around when starving people with a zit that looks like a watermelon on the forehead trying to get some peace. You guessed it right. My sister just got home. First off, school was a bore. I often pictured the male teachers in skirts and nearly killed myself laughing. Well, i didnt really pictured them in skirts because that would have been too lame and since ive pictured them in skirts almost everyday, its starting to get old. If that doesnt tell you how bored i was, nothing will. Hadnt i mentioned before? School is such a bore. Like i have a choice? Who could blame me really. But then again, my exams falls next week and im simply thrilled. Not. I get all ballisticisimum just from thinking about it. Also, im suffering from a writer's cramp from my middle finger to my elbow as i'd been concentrating so hard in English class I felt like i'd been breathing underwater. Im having a major headache just having to stress myself on one thing and one thing only. Let me just get this clear ; its not about the upcoming examinations. Though, I am completely and utterly confused on one thing and one thing only. The day didnt get any better either when my mum interrogated me about the 'dissapearence of her popcorns' Clearly, i was the one who have been eating them. You see, my mother's talent is arguing. There's absolutely no doubt on this point. Mom is ready to argue any subject, with anyone, at any time- which makes her so good at it it's scary. My dad's talent? Avoiding conflict. He's an absolute genius at it. What you need to understand is, avoiding conflict is not the same thing as making peace. You could send my dad to Ireland and he'll know exactly what to say to get the Catholics and Protestants all drinking in the same pub, playing darts and having a splendid time. It wouldnt be until ten minutes after he left that everyone suddenly realized they hadnt solved a single thing and, in fact, they were still pretty mad at each other. If you ask me, avoiding conflict is one of those talents thats only a gift to the person who has it. So anyways, my sister just walked in my room, wrapped around a towel and it just so happens that the towel accidentally dropped on the floor. I have inadvertently just witnessed a porn film.
Physicsclass.was.a.breeze.today. Not.that.i.do.fancy.physics.now. I.never.have.and.still.dont.to.be.honest. But.it.was.fine.as.we.were.given.plugs.and.all.those. electrical.stuffs.to.play.around.with. It.makes.me.happy. In.a.way.it.turns.me.on.because.ive.never.actually. been.able.to.go.into.details. as.to.look.at.the.inside.of.the.plugs.because.my. mom.would.freak.out.and. stab.me.with.a.fork.and.i'll.die.a.terrible.death. That.wouldnt.have.been.fun. So.anyway.physics.was.okay. Fedoura,who.is.nabilah.really.had.her.haircut. yesterday.and.it.looks.good.on.her. I.dont.know.why.im.stating.it.but.for.the.fact. that.she'll.be.reading.this. She.must.be.thinking.that.life.would.be.a.better.place. if.there's.ten.of.me.around. Ahahahahahahahhahaha. Im.too.hilarious. So.anyways. I.was.given.a.chinese.name.by.her; MishaTanAthira.so.i. decided.to.name.her. NabilahLimAhKwek.from.right.this.very. moment.onwards. It.made.me.giggle.like.a.hairy.man.being.tickled. Mom's.birthday.falls.on.today. We.had.pizzas.and.cakes.and.everything.that.could. possibly.be.stuffed.down.my.throat. I.am.currently.feeling.very.odd.and.nauseatic. because.i.ate.a.lot.and. i.farted.twice. Ahahhahohehehe. Joke. No.not,really. Ahahahaha. Pictures.will.be.up.soon.or.i.dont.know. But.you.can.always.go.on.to.my.aunt's.blogsite. She's.very.detailed.you.see. "SILENCE.IKILLYOU!" HAPPY36THBIRTHDAY,MUMMAY! HAPPY16THADVANCEBIRTHDAY,FEDORADORA! I.like.how.people.is.actually.getting.older.faster.than.me. Makes.me.feel.like.i.could.still.play.with.barbie.dolls. Ps;myspacebarisntworking.
Slight fever was on last monday. Slight fever and Sore throat was on last tuesday. Fever, Sore throat and Cough was on last wednesday. Fever, Slight sore throat and cough was on last thursday. Slight sore throat, Sore eyes and Cough was on last friday. Cough was on last saturday. Cough, again was on last sunday. I actually listed everything down and i dont even know why. I was just bored and all these coughing,all that stuff is really bothering me. Today didnt turned out so bad. I survived most of the classes especially Social Studies. I had a fit laughing at all of the reactions i get from shamini when i cracked an April Fool's joke on her. Nabilah and me conversate in British accents during Chemistry. Well i did most of the talking because i wouldnt shut up. I dont care if she's annoyed because it was meant to annoy her. Ahaaaa, jokes. Mr co-physics and math teacher isnt exactly making my day any better. He's annoying in every way. Period. Now im getting the cold shoulders from him. We, to be exact. He needs to stop picking on me as well as Nabilah or i'll have to start shoving pencils up his nostrils. April fool. :D No, i was actually thinking of doing that to be honest.