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I was absent from school yesterday and I just came to know that whenever im present in class, it really made Shamini and Nabilah's day because it just bores them to death without me around. Ennit to the both you? Hahahahahahaha. It was well pretty damned flattering to be honest. I always thought it was an exaggeration when characters in books or movies start choking after they hear a piece of shocking news, well in this case, i'd rather point out it was more to a self-compliment but the second i told my younger sister about how people think its the end of life whenever im not around, she started choking and gagging on a piece of chocolate cake. I literally had to wait for 5 minutes while she coughed and gasped, trying to catch her breath. I mean, come on. That wasnt necessary. I was feeling all joyful and high today when i got back home. Not the alcoholic-kind-of-high. Plus, I have no clue on how it feels like to be high on alcoholic. -_-" Probably because, i smell of nail polish. And Nail polish does have this smell which makes you all tingly inside and ...yeah. Anyways, I burst out singing loudly to the song "Teenagers" by Chemical Romance the second i stepped in my house and my younger sister had to shut me up and told me i sounded awful. Right, so it was indeed so awful that it could have been played by the British army to disorient enemy troops but cmon already, going all "SHUTT UPPP!" in my face was a tad bit over the top isnt it? She then, after a few minutes later, started singing loudly and.. I made an unmistakably nauseating tone and told her that she sounded like she has her bottom caught in a paper shredder. It wasnt my fault, had to be told. But its okay. I love her still... sometimes. My point being to all of this is.. always have an apple with you and be prepared to shove it in your sibling's mouth whenever they sounded like.. they need help in.. shutting up. Until next time. ![]() My previous entry was so depressing, it worries me on how very life-threatening it sounds when im annoyed. NYAHAHA~ But that felt like more than three years, forty pounds and six inches ago. Today.. i was and still is feeling very happy. I survived school just fine. I simply ignored all those everyday lectures coming from the teachers. I had my mind focused on one thing, and only one thing. A book. My valentine today was, indeed.. a book. :] Happy Valentine's Day.
There's a lot to be done now. Yes. Right this very minute. A LOT. Dont ask why i still have the nerve to post an entry. I just do, thats all. I have like, 4594587630 homeworks to be completed. I have this History assignment to be completed on Microsoft Word. I dont have Microsoft word. So i have to do it on Workpad. And now i end up doing it on Notepad. They are all the same thing, arent they? Are they? I have no idea how i end up there though. I just do, thats all. I have to serve my detention tommorrow. The reason to why i have to was because i didnt go for my after class. The teachers wont accept any letters from my parents or any parents for that matter is because.. i dont freaking give a damn to even know why, really. Thermometer. S-H-I-E-T ! There's a check tommorrow and.. I dont have one with me. But you know what, whatever. I just received a papercut on my thumb. And. I cant feel a thing. Weird. Probably because, my brain is too overworked up. And numb. To even absorb that information.. about, my thumb... being all bloody and is bleeding.. and its actually, by right, suppose to be painful... Yes. Lets cut to the chase shall we? Basically, my whole point being is.. You know what, I have no idea what im saying, to be honest. I cant even put my words in right sentences. I.. I forgot what i wanted to say next. I dont care. I cant be arsed. Im tired, im annoyed. I just want to.. sleep.
I went out with a whackadoo yesterday. Right, that was mean. No, actually, it wasnt. NO, DUDE. seriously. Those mushy stuffs you did, DID NOT turned me on the least bit and.. NO, DUDE. seriously. That would be the first and the last time, we'll be going out someplace together. Awww, the waaay you look at me.. The waaaay you hold my hands.. The waaaaaay you tried to kiss me... seriously. SCARED THE FREAKING SHIET OUT OF ME. You do realise that im trying my very best to get away from you, dont you? And you left your shades in my baaaag. How am i suppose to pass it to you nowwwww!? I just vowed to never see you again. I love my life ~ I bumped into Bestiie twice by the way which to be honest, made my horrifying day. SERIOUSLY.