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B-U-S-T-E-D. Totalleh BUSTED. You hear me right. Mom found out about the broken vase which I, being a smart arse chose not to tell her because i was pretty convinced that she wont noticed the MAJOR difference as i managed to glue all the thousand pieces back together (While having younger sister to run up and down again to the shops to buy those annoying super sticky glue as they kept running out. One is NEVER enough, trust me.) like how i ace in Jigsaw puzzle and clearly, those pathetic cracks.. and i say, those lining of cracks that looked like disgusting veins, were all over the place. On the vase that is. Oh why yes, Never a good thing. Well, happily ever after wasnt for long till younger sis texted me telling me that my mom wanted to shift THE vase somewhere else, and she did leaving the other half still stationed on the floor, while the other half of it is in the palms of her hands. You wouldnt want to be there, i was at the library with a friend at the moment and its NEVER a cloud nine feeling knowing that there's gonna be a surprise waiting for you at home, especially when you know whats coming and that "whats coming" is not a good YOUVE-BEEN-A-GOOD-GIRL surprise. EVERY STEP HOME FELT LIKE DEATH. No joke. TERRIFYING INDEED. I AM SO DEAD! Prepare me my funeral.
School was... well SCHOOL. Mr Math Teacher was absent so, there wasnt really any free period as there was a relief. Nabilah's officially new favourite math teacher. MOHAHAHA ! The relief wasnt as strict and as loud. So, some of you-know-who in class had the hots for attention so they began screaming and shouting their heads off. I felt like throwing the book im reading at their empty heads but at the same time, my book doesnt deserve to be thrown at them. But, yeah. Enough about school. I might have already driven half of you to sleep already. I was freaking pissed with my dad, i want to scream. For the fact he totally didnt tell me that we were going to break-fast outside and im wearing my old dusty ratty yellow primary school tshirt together along with something that matches perfectly ..not.. with a Physical Education short black, seemed plastic-like-material shorts. Right, i downright look like some retarded primary sch spolit brat that has to stayback for another year. Stayback spoilt brat because the PE tshirt seems like it have been shrinking every 5 seconds. Now dont get me wrong wrong wrong, we HAVE to actually step out of the house in order to live eversince mum developed a mindset ; If-you-cook-your-kitchen-wont-be-spotless-anymore or does she actually thought that cooking have been banned and now is illegal and if she cooks, she will be shot. Survivors will be shot again. Aww ;'] Pfft. Anyways, i was saying... YES. We ALWAYS break-fast over at my Grandmamamama's house. Not today, my dad was being silly and seriously annoying when he told us that we will be breaking-fast in somewhere else. That was when i went all. KSFJKALFAKDJF ! Well, not like i wanted to. I had to vent my anger or i'll fart. Heh. Gives me some stupid nerve wrecking unwanted surprise by telling me that we were going somewhere else when im not even dressed. Like, dressed right. Right as in, properly. Properly as in pleasant. And there i go, i pout. I kept pouting and i have to admit, i was being a pain in the you-know-what. What the hey, i had to even if it means to pretend but i wasnt pretending. I was really THAT mad mad, Tops. So then, mum hit jackpot and insisted on buying that headphone ive always been wanting. FINNAAALLY, she did the right thing for what seems like, forever. My jaw was actually really tired from just pouting. Ive been pestering her endlessly, thats wasshaaap. And dad. Dad ... was just being too overly nice. He was being too nice even if he was trying to make it all up for not getting his facts right. Ohmy, i sound mean. Whatever. So where was i. Yes. Which is strange because he IS nice but overly nice. Its just not him. When parents gets too overly nice, they mean something and its scary. In my case, its terrifying.
Ive been laughing non-stop at every little things that happened today. Im just too happy. My younger sister just went all. "Gigi Aliff cute seh". And i burst out laughing when it wasnt that funny. :'] She's obssessed with his teeth. How cute. :'] Its like, "Im obsessed with Borat's Butt." HAH. She'll stuff my mouth with paperclips and shove a lampost up my butt if she reads this, oh trust me. She will. BOM CHICKA WAH WAH! -Picks up skipping rope. -Skips. -Falls flat on the face. -Gets up. -Gangstuh leans. -Peace sign. -Waves goodbye. -Flies away. Good & Bye. :D
School had been pure torture. Seeing as how draggy it is. Im not surprised. End Of Year written examinations is around the corner. And just by the thought of it is stressing me out. Now, this someone in class is seriously getting on my last nerves. Well, ignore us for all i care but hanging around with a bunch of people whom you've spoke behind their back for like, all the time is equivalent to backstabbing and such? I do sound mean but she needs to get her life sorted carefully. Right, what im gonna do is butt out from all these 'High School Drama' and pretend that nothing is bothering. Mr Math Teacher and Mdm Form Teacher didnt make the day any better either. But what made me laughed is the thought of Cosmix being filled with the malay peeps due to the fasting month and it looked so much like those 'Geylang Hari Raya Bazaar' now only that everyone is wearing school uniform in which is actually if you look into it, its hilarious. Hah. Shikin did her best on trying to pissed me off but she couldnt do it because, i kept interupting and makes faces whenever she says anything. Tough, better luck next time homie. MOHAHHAHA! Spitting nonsensical facts and hanging around during recess with those silly heads had been really fun. (: Im labeled 'Helix Girl' by Nabilah. Awwww :'] Such compliments is greatly treasured. :'] Knowing for the fact 'Helix' is actually a brand to a pencilbox. Hah. She's just jealous that ive got a new pencilbox. HAHAHA! Naaaaah, was a joke. Right right Nabilah? MOHAHA. "Yo Momma is soo fat that when she walked past the tv screen, the whole 5 episode of The Simpson just ended" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! OhMy. I just cracked myself up. :'] I burst out laughing alone in my room and im still laughing. Joy. xD.
Replies : To Hate You : Aww, Okay. I was with my opinions and you dont actually have to get so worked up over an opinion you know plus, i get to say what i want IN MY blog. Im the one who holds a password to it so try and get used to my critisicm.. or not. Dont read my entries if it doesnt interest you. And about the whole egg thingy, yeah my mistake. I shouldnt have eaten it when im not suppose to have it. Did i hurt you so much ? Because seeing as it is, im the one who was having a tummyache at that point of time. Thank you so much for your concern. I suggest you go get a life, and if you dont want to. Try getting one, kindly the next time you spam. Get a name. Because i'd like to see how NOT stupid you are. That was a sarcasm if you havent get it yet. Its my pleasure to explain what 'NO OFFENCE IF OFFENDED' means if you'll actually ask politely you know and clearly, you seem offended. Until then, im looking forward to your next "smart" attempts of spamming. Sure, i'll get whatever i have to inside my head. Try getting this inside your head instead, I Hate You Too. (: To Hate You Back : Who are you? :D
Im not suppose to have egg for breakfast earlier but i did which clearly explains the tummyache im having now. I decided not to hit the sack as i didnt want to take the cab to school AGAIN because we did yesterday and if we were to do it again, it would make a four days straight. We, as in Dearest Bestiie and I. But it dont really matter. Partly yes. Sometimes, cab drivers that are too friendly can be the next most irritating person lived.. besides bus drivers that ive stated on my previous previous entry that is. Hah. Maybe i should start thinking about stopping taking public transport. Anywaays, The cab driver yesterday was more to being an annoying butthead. He was merely criticizing this innocent girl on the street. Just because she's kind of, big sized. I knew he was going to go on and on about stupid crappy stuffs from the very beginning because, i just have this feeling he will and he merely did. I very well wanted to ignore him totally or even shut him up but the thought of it was scary because he sounded drunken plus i couldnt help laughing at Dearest Bestiie silly yet funny white lies that she kept telling the cab driver. I think, he did fell for it. Well, he was interested and sounds pretty convincing. Plus, he looks dumb. And he is, so much for criticizing innocent people on the street. He seriously need to start thinking maturely because he really sounded like those immatured bunch of guys in my class, only that he looked 20 years older. Dearest Bestiie was all on about, DRAGON MEAT. HAHAHA! Dont ask. He asked us on whatever random yet stupid questions he can think of which cab drivers DONT ask. Cab Drivers ask for directions, He asked for a beating. So, Dearest Bestiie told him that she knows the most delicious food on earth that DOESNT EVEN EXIST, DRAGON MEAT and that he should try it but its only available in AFRICA. HAHA! He wanted to try it and i dont know if he was joking but Bestiie told him that he have to get his butt to Africa if he wants to. HAH! And that, her dad is working with the Singapore Airlines and she gets travel to just anywhere. Oh, they were absolutely having such fun time talking about just Dragon Meat when the cab driver doesnt even get that Dearest Bestiie was taking a piss out of him and was making fun of his stupidness. AndAnd, another reason i dont want to be late to school again is because that scary cab driver, he made an agreement to pick us up and sends us to school everyday. Lets just put is as, he's adding worse to worst. HAPPY FASTING, PEOPLE. (:
It's scary watching people run to one TV series and the very next minute, Snap!.. They'll jump to another. I promise you, it really is scary. From watching two bald hotties escaping prison - "PrisonBreak".. to watching a malay TV hits, "Mimpi Manis" shown in "Sensasi". The remote control is officially hers now. Its truly a major annoyance. And so much for thinking that 'Mimpi Manis'. Translation : 'Sweet Dreams' are only meant for sleeping. Sadly, its now turning into a people obsession. Sheesh. Sorreh. I just dont get why people are watching something that has the same storyline as every other Indonesian Tv shows all over again, or close i think. Its usually the same family crisis where people discovered that their job is turning into a disaster which eventually led into some ugly conflicts. Well, i cant say all are. No offence if offended (: But .. In my opinion, eventhough nobody asks for them.. 90% of the shows are like that. Boo-Hoo. It's just bugging me like, big time. HAH! :D
Oh, sorreh people. I was asked by Dearest Bestiie to delete (Fill in the blanks) because of (Fill in the blanks) (Fill in the blanks) (Fill in the blanks) and he would (Fill in the blanks) if he sees it and it wouldnt make things any better as he would (Fill in the blanks) (Fill in the blanks) but i swear he's getting on my (Fill in the blanks) every single day. (Fill in the blanks) (Fill in the blanks) (Fill in the blanks) and im soo shoving a math textbook up his bloody arse tommorrow. THERE. Whatever. I should have known better but oh well. *SmacksForehead. Oh craaaaaaaapACheeeesy! Im having a cold and i could barely EVEN breathe. Joy~ I need like an oxygen mask real bad. Or maybe, an oxygen tank itself would be a better idea. Im not being lame. DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE?! I HAVE TO FAST IN LIKE 2 TO 3 DAYS TIME. NOW GET ME THOSE OXYGEN STUFFS! CHOPCHOP. *Thumbs Up. Ugh, I feel like an annoyed drunken elephant. I dont even know how being an elephant felt like in the first place. What am i saying. Worry me Not. I'll live.. Eventually. KJHFKJHQEFKJHQEFKJEHFKJEFHEHEQ! Oh right. As i was saying on my previous entry. The questions : 1) How do you know when a smurf suffocates ? 2) Doesnt expecting the unexpected , makes the unexpected expected ? 3) If Barbie is so popular , why do you even need to buy her friends ? 4) How is it one careless match can start a forest fire but it takes a whole box to start a campfire ? 5) Why is it when you tell a man that there are 400 billion stars he will believe you but when you tell him there's wet paint, he has to touch it ? 6) If a person is in Hell and he's mad at someone that is in Hell with him for some reason, where does he eventually tell the person to go to ? 7) Why does... Ahh, What The Heck. Forget it. I'll continue the questions tomorrow. I ALWAYS have a lot to write in mind. But never when im about to write it, i ALWAYS ends up not knowing how to let everything out. Sheeesh.
Did as planned, I went to watch 'Ratatouille' with Dearest Bestiie last friday but we, at the same time managed to squeezed time and eventually watched 'Evan Almighty' over at my place the day before. That's two days straight with Dearest Bestiie and it made me extremely happy seeing as how ive missed spending time with her so much. Mohaha. Really. Yet, she still surprises me with a Decent yet Such Simple Adorable notebook and a Sweet note saying , ![]() Now do you get why i cant afford to be pissed eventhough she's constantly busy. Plus i swear ive never been pissed at her ever, she didnt choose to deal with Dinesh's the merely shit, crapworks everyday but she did as told without argueing. She even got me a notebook that i didnt ask for just for that, now how much more thoughtful can a Bestfriend be, really. Get the picture? Good. I love her and she very much knows that. (: Right. I realise, yes.. That ive been blabbering stuffs which are not important to Dearest Bestiie all day long and i know she got tired from just listening. I just felt like talking and as in REALLY blabbering today and its scary because i dont usually talk this much... FINE. Maybe i lied about not talking this much, i do talk a lot. What? Im only human besides, speaking of which. I have a 10001 weird questions in mind that i would so love to ask, but i dont know where to start. See my problem there. Exactly. Quote For The Day. "Everyone Hears What You Say. Friends Listen To What You Say. BestFriends Listen To What You Dont Say" -Anon. Im Flushed. I could really use some shut eye now, but sadly. I just couldnt fall asleep. Its not like im high on caffeine or whatever. It just annoys me when it comes to situations where im wide awake yet im really tired. But yeah, im gonna stop rambling. I just got home from Physics and Math class. My younger sister seriously needs a lampost shoved up her butt. She left the house in a complete mess and now, she's been gone for like, Forever. OkayOkay, I'll stop rambling, really. I cant wait to catch "Ratatouille" with Dearest Bestiie this friday. I miss her like so freaking much. On the other hand, I wont be having class this friday so its a postive addition to my daily boring routine seeing as how Mr Math Teacher handles the class, it bores me to death. Indeed. Surprisingly, Im not dead yet. Maybe.. Soon. Hopefully not. "Yo Momma" from MTV just cracks me up like TOTALLY. "Yo Momma is an idiot, she tried waking up the sleeping bag" HAHAHA! Pure Classic Comebacks, plus the host is REALLY CUTE. No questions. ![]() Wilmer. I told ya. (:
'Shut up'. Its 6 coming to 7am here and by right, i should have actually already hit the sack. But all's well, i cant sleep. Its not something normal you see. Its a bad habit and its turning into a major problem. Besides, i have like, 5 mosquitos bites accompanying me now. Aww :'] She is definately CUTE yet a promising 3 year old brat. Brat, in a good way. Though, she IS the sweeteeest thing and she may seem the kind where, Barbie is EVERYTHING. "Barbie can go to hell", She Says. (Well, indirectly of course) She didnt really say that. All those girly things are obviously not her cup of tea seeing as how boisterous she is and is so capable of making me cry. She punched me on.. everywhere that hurts and im now, literally scared of her. Seriously, earlier. She made me run away from her for quite a few times. I was scared, to be honest. Heh. Dont get me wrong here, I still am HARDCORE. But she's just a tad more HARDCORE than me. Pshht. Pathetic? Nooo. She keeps picking on me though, like going up to me and pushes my head all the way down to the floor. It was fun. :'] And Gawd knows, She was THAT active. I had to actually make her sleep in order to get a picture of her. THAT was how active she was. I tried, but she kept running away and she was all over the place. Being me, i was freaking too lazy to catch up with her. I, dumped myself on the couch like last week's shoes and merely waited for her to get to sleep annd she eventually did. So there.
Ps : I Miss Dearest Bestiie So Much. |