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I think.. I hate blogger now. Dang! Blogger, You Mofo. Could you just simply behaves and like literally.. technically listen. I need to update!! Ive been seriously missing on stuff here. For fish's sake! Now. I missed going for NAPHA. I have to make that happen as there is gonna be a retest this thursday. So, mhmm. By any chance, Wish me luck ok? Thank you. Speaking of which.. In a totally different note. Gawd! Math..The one subject which has both letters and numbers in it. Chyeah that, .. is driving me up the wall. Figuratively, i must say. Im trying my bits to the very best to love math here! So be sympathetic and pick your poms poms, cheer for me. Im struggling in trying to fall in love with math, almost too close to suffocating. I might collapse and needed an ambulance. Heh! Maths just some pure murderer. Dont beg to differ cause i wont change my mind. Im a one hard-headed human, indirectly of course. Classmates going all M.I.A, im not surprised though. Nabilah's got a pretty awful souvenier from Rahman today. Shant elaborate on that. Dont really have to get the details clear. Fine, its just some bottle to head connections. Freaking painful, duh. But he hands over a chocolate to Nabilah as he felt really bad. Sweet much? Noooooo, ill never forgive him since that day when he flickers water on me. Im nt being a baby. He is annoying. So if you have to do blamings. Then blame it at... Go figure. Met some really weird primary school girl in the bus. Primary 6 if im not mistaken. She actually smiled at me? Heck, i dont even know who the hell she is. So being me, The friendly one, i very much did returned a smile back. And so much for the smile, she freaked me out by coming over to my seat and asking me if i have a dollar with me as she has to get home and has no coins with her. I went all wth? and i said nopes..i had my last dollar on the bus and i really did.. not have any coins left with me. So she sat on an empty seat just right beside, and happily started a conversation about something which im not interested at. My mind was aiming for 'Home'. She kept going on blabbering and i had to go 'Yeah, agree.. Mhmm' and i dont know what knocked, she immediately ask for either a pen or a pencil. I didnt glare, well i did give a slightest 'Who in the world are you actually?' look, but i gave an instant smile, almost to chirrping a definate yes. So i gt a pen out which i dont need it anymore and hand it over to her. She was thankful? I think.. and told me that she'll return it to me if she sees me anywhere. I mean like sees me anywhere in Singapore? I suggest she just keep that pen. Thank God, its her stop. She did get a little annoying when she asked me again for the last time, if i have any extra pencil when i already gave her my pen. I dont look like that Popular Bookstore do i? Sadly, i had to reject as i really dont have any more spares with me plus i dont give out free stationaries just like that. Yes! So I AM in 1993. I AM actually and suppose to be in secondary two. I FREAKING AM A year younger bt DAMNIT!, i dont give a freaking hell to that pink identification card. So people in my class. Stop f**cking bothering me anymore and get on your brown butts, move on with life! Like get over it already bishes! Sorry i cursed. I cant help it. Such Dickheads needs killing. Ha!
Wednesdays are just one of those draggy school days youve hoped to minus. Surprisingly, almost too shocking. Today was never the case. Bliss. Not late to school though which is indeed a rare plus. Met Dearest Bestiie at the usual spot. She was being the same old funny dear girl i know for 4 years. School was just plainly, the same. Same faces. Same National Anthem. Same environment. Same crap. Same shit from the Same people. Greaaaat. Not one of any Beijing exchange groups will be coming to our class. Hopefully not, that is if, one wants to experience a living hell, Then proudly i will, WELCOME TO 3N1 !! I dont know though, Mdm Form Teacher didnt have any exciting announcement for the class and such this morning. It all began with a dull "Good morning class, now which chapter did i stop at last lesson..." It always leads to a good yet boring start. Fine, Im dropping the whole patheticness blarhs. I wont drool back on that. Now tell me, what is this with a 15 yr old going bald so early in a young stage. Not like im bothered to know right now, i might somewhat get it in the papers though.. It just hurts from not knowing that baldness now is actually a fad.... or is it not? If it is then im totally shaving. Kinky? Muahahaha! Im like, totally joking. Random. And Gaaaawwd, i didnt have any idea that my first ever sweetheart is eventually gonna turn into a one such monsterous horrible stupid stuck up ex. We go LIKE waaaaaaaaay back. So its not like i care he hates me for a really God-Knows-What reason since we broke up because of HIS MOM. Because infact, i dont care.. at all. I dont even know him anymore so i wasnt exactly bothered. Now.. There is this girl , i call her " That Deodorant girl " mainly because she smells.. No joke? She is a freaking real pain in the arse, i swear! Stop talking in your tamil language, DAMNIT! Its sending me major mind-deafening migraines! I hope you bite on your tongue. HAH! Maybe i should piss her off by telling her to stop her hatred with me and we'll ignore each other forever since the Vietnam incident is like ages ago and im in no mood to catfight. Sounds good aye? Okay..Im always fighting with retards, Not cool. These people never fail to get on my last nerves. Imma brush them off my shoulders for good.
Was late yesterday.. Again maybe.. (My baad, i didnt run to catch the bus, it just so happens that yesterday was one of my lazy mornings) .. and our records of coming to school late was surprisingly clean. Which means.. yesterday was like the first ever time we're late. How coooool can that be. Nothing beats running to the school compound, with three minutes left to 7.30am. Dearest Bestiie was busy gasping for air, i was merely dying. Not joking. So, there i go. Temperature taking. Shouldnt have panicked actually.. that was the every cause of my foolishness. I should have known my wallet was in my bag. And i thought it dissapeared just like that. So i did just shove it inside my bag without even realising and i was really pissed off with the situation. Its my fault... i knoooow. Im the silly one okay. *Slaps self* HAPPY? Do you want me to slit? Muahaha. Never. Im not too depressed like that. In general, im not those dumb people who slits their wrists. No offence if offended. I just hate to lie. Nyahaha. But that was all so yesterday. Totally 24/7 ago. Today , we were one of those early arses to school. Call me weird or crazy but i have this new habit of laughing to myself nowadays.. I have issues, i think. Heh. IN WHICH is not a serious mental problem because im just trying to make myself feel happy knowing for the fact that Bestiie is going away for two days. She was basically selected to be the student leader for the Sec 2 camp. Im getting like literally more nonsensical by day. Like today was the funniest ever. And tell me, who in their right mind would want to be in their school blouse but with uhh, blue shorts and school shoes at 6.35 in the morning standing ground rooted infront of doorstep. Idiotic? Try and imagine. Trust me, Its a really high-class, nobel prize winning wild 5 minutes of imagination. Satisfaction guaranteed. And it is a major tragedy that i just got really dumb this morning, when i suddenly realised that my last as in sir name, was actually my father's name. Of course, if my last name were to be my mom's name, that would be toooo.. awkward like.. Misha Athira Binte Melati.. and so much for being a smarty pants on wondering why that my.... saaay... child's name Blablabla Binte Misha sounds soo...weird. Gawd! That cracked me up so much, i cant even stop!! Hahhahahahhahaha! That still cracks me up. Bestiie corrected me by knocking some sense into my head, she was all like "Yalah gundo, of course its awkward! Our last name belongs to our father, not mother. What the hell are you saying?! (She didnt directly say that, "What the hell are you saying" but im sure, indirectly she is trying to say that to me.. in a polite way.. hah. Im like, oh yaaaa!! What the heck!! to myself) Hahahhahaha! Sooo.. I have to go to school alone for two days. :( Tomorrow and friday, as i was telling.. Bestiie had to deal with camps. Damnn! I miss her already. Really. Wait, i think theres a note for Khai... Dude... THIS! Is my Bestfriend going away for two days plus a saturday and sunday which makes it a FOUR solid days we're talking about and YOU'RE TELLING ME NOT TO BE SAD! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??! DO YOU REALISE WHAT THE HECK YOU'RE SAYING! Im nt mad. You need brains. Heh. Okay, im joking. The "You need brains" part was harsh so i apologise. Still, FOUR days is Like woah! Not exaggerating though. Two days mann. I cant even survive one day without going to school with her. Not just going to school with her, its going to be boring knowing she's nt in school and has camps. And whats more, she told me that after this Sec 2 camp, 2 to 3 weeks later, she will be having camps AGAIN .. this time its with the counsillors. Nooooooooooo!! Now .. I miss her more. Back and STILL alive. Muahaha. Yes! I realised that ive been secretly dissapearing each and everytime. A pastime, i can hardly recall. Hah! I skipped school AGAIN on last wednesday. On a very unrelated note, I wonder why ive been feeling out of place lately. Like literally, all over the place actually. I dont know what im saying. I feel so un-Misha-ish getit? Im throwing tantrums like every 5 mins. Noo.. Make that every 3 mins. Not like THE MISHA doesnt throw tantrums, THE MISHA throw tantrums more than this un-Misha-ish does. But THE MISHA doesnt throw tantrums unnescessarily without any apparent reason unlike this un-Misha-ish whoever person. Okay stop! Im....confused. Like really...confused. Right, whatever. Soo.. Not in Spore from thursday to sunday which is actually today but since its past bedtime, ill have to make that yesterday. So in other humanoid means, i just got back from overseas five mins ago and well, that obviously means i skipped school AGAIN on both Thursday and Friday knowing for the fact that am NOT just plain lazy although partly were true.. i just have something.... to do. :) Back to where i stopped at, that's basically 3 days of nt feeding my brains with THE knowledge tidbits. Dang!! 3 + 1 days of no school = NOT FUNNY. Naaaaaaaaahh, not cool. I have to put a stop in being an ass and get my lazy butt to school. Up the 806 bus first actually, then the 859 bus AND then school. "THE EVERYDAY ROUNTINE". I MISS BESTIIE LIKE CRAAZY!! More than crazy. I MISS BESTIIE LIKE MAAD!! Okaaaay.. mad.. sounds odd. Lets stick to crazy. I swear i miss her more than crazy. More than you can even believe. Yay! I cant waaaaait to meet her this tuesday!! as im...skipping school tmrw. Before you say anything, im down with fever. No joke. And why am i still blogging if i have fever? Good question. I cant miss on telling Dearest Bestiie on how much ive really missed her and i swear that's the reason on why i blogged straight as i got home. I got Bestiie and myself this two gundos right here. Patrick.
Muahaha. RAWR! Ps to Bestiie: Popokek Forever And Ever! Woooots. Okaay.. Now im exhausted and i feel..nausea-tic. |