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Im back and alive. That's like 10 days of not updating. Been very and seriously tired. Headaches are killing me. Both literally and figuratively. I skipped school today prolly because of that, and i promise im not making it all up. Heh. First day of school went fine. No differences in classrooms. Definately not classmates. I also tend to get incredibly sleepy in class and i really wonder. Okay so, duh. Im sleepy and that explains. But gawd, it irritates the hell out of me like wtfudge. Now, remember the Vietnam Trip? We were all given $50 each to buy stuffs from there and sell it in school. That.. went smoothly too. HAPPY 19TH BELATED BIRTHDAY TO KAK IKA!! Which actually falls on 22nd june and i dont even know why the heck im shouting it all out now. Maybe because i didnt blogged on the 22nd. But im positive i did wished her on 22nd itself. She's 19. Im 14. Dang! Im too young too even start blogging. Hah!!! That was random. Holidays.. Did i tell? Man, Such Silent Killer. It just so happens that i planned on going out with Dearest Bestiie and we bought the same watch!! That's a plus to everything. Im gonna really speak my mind out on this one. Fine, I dont mean to boast but i cant help getting excited over little-little stuff like having almost the same exact identical stuffs as Bestiie. Its fuuuunn! I dont even think that's boasting. Not copyrighted, Its all planned :D I LOVE MY BESTFRIEND LIKE HOW MUCH IVE LOVED MY MIRACLOUSLY AWESOME BUTT!! Heheheh. She knows why. You wouldnt get to sit if you're.. well.. umm.. Butt-less right? Go figure. Muahaha! No ler.. Was totally Kidding. I love popokek more than i love my butt laa. Duh. Whahahha :P Popokek! I dont know why bt i just love saying that. Until then. Im gonna go turn in. This monday is Youth Day. Which means there will be no school. And not waking up at 6am makes me smile. Ok bye. Can i say it? Holidays are such bores. I know ive been saying that and its annoying.. Its not my fault i cant help saying it. Like now, younger sis is being totally out of her mind pretending she's blond and stuff in which is a total lie. No worries. :) So im bored.. who cares. I ramble..a lot. This is so random. I dont even know what im saying. Where was i? Ahh, right. Life Is Full Of Surprises. In some other positive way, it actually is full of surprises. But for now its just.. Pffft~ Apart from going out with Dearest Bestiie tommorow, I CANT WAIT to meet her.. and MAN i miss 'shi..it..fu..' heaps. Mr Pringles..Yes, the one with the moustache is officially my everyday supper. Not good, Not healthy. Ok , im gonna kick this habit. Now wha....t?
I have this imaginary wishlist with me.. and in mind obviously .. Only that sadly , this wishlist stays as a wish. Nothing more. It's a possible come true in an impossible way. Get it ? How do i exactly put this.. possible come true in an impossible way. Something similar to ... So many things [to buy] So little time. Okay , this is getting too silly. I dont mean impossible.. just impossible in some other possible ways. Greaaaatt , these things are giving me sudden headaches. Shi...fu.... Bwahahhahahha! Its okay if you dont get that part. Just some Dearest Bestiie's unexpected yet SLUMBER-ish hilarious reactions. I dont know what she's trying to say. Still figuring out, though. I lied, i actually did figured that out. Popokek ~ ![]() Okay , enough Misha.
Its beeeeen AGES since i last update. I dont feel like blogging anymore. Righttttttt... Everybody is saying the same thing but they will keep on blogging , Still. Ive been in Vietnam for 5 days so that fills half of my 'where have i gone to' page and there's my aunt happily married on the 3rd of june , that is the other half of it. I just basically had no rest. Vietnam trip was fun especially the part where i get to be a superhero and save the world. I didnt exactly save the world, at that point of time, im the one who urgenly needs saving but well, literally i did saved 2 people. Entering a stupid dark scary full of whatever God-knows-what, narrow yet stuffy tunnel wasnt easy ok. Not yet mentioning the part where i had to push that irritating door or i dont know what its called .. from below. Yes , its underground. It just wouldnt budge BUUUUUT i managed to dramatically open it. I could win some Oscars actually but nothing of that sort came to mind. I was R-E-L-I-E-V-E-D and exhausted. NIGHTMARE , i tell you and there i was busy huffing and puffing. Bestiie was laughing her ass off for the next five minutes , nothing near to being sympathic. Heeee. It was totally funny actually , especially when they brought it up again during reflection. Who was it that i saved again? Oh yaaaaa , Bestiie and Fasiha. Nyahaaaaa! Some students in the Hong Ba University were so eager to learn the Singapore language. I wonder how it sounds like. Haaaa. I couldnt possibly still be sleeping in the Vien Dong Hotel am i ? Then , i will have to take the plane back again which is totally ridiculous. Again , maybe Bestiie is right. Pinch me ? Cheyy. I'd rather just migrate to Vietnam and not take the plane home because that would make an odd 3 times of plane ride when its suppose to be 2. 1 for going and 1 for coming back. Ok fine , Im scared. That is if i wake up and find myself all covered warmly under the green blankets. KIDDING. Im never gonna wear that triangular hat, speaking vietnam language also very eager to learn the Singapore language which i dont even know what the heck Singapore language means. My aunt got married on the 3rd of june, nothing much about it. Relatives...Neighbours... I dont know who. Everyone was there. Ill upload pictures when i got it on comp and HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY , AUNTY ! :) She turns 26 on 1st of June while im still at Vietnam drinking Milo infront of the Mini refrigerator. Ps: Holidays are gonna be suuperb positively boring, i bet. All i did was just making stupid funny faces in front of the mirror alone till i dont find it funny anymore because i ran out of anymore stupid faces and keep repeating the same old ones. Okay, im crapping.