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There's a lot going on in mind. Apparently, i dont know how to express it all in words. I do, yes. Im recovering from a BAD headache on knowing of the fact that my results slip is gonna be ugly. Bestiie have been lending me her shoulder to cry on, except that i dont exactly cry, i was feeling discouraged and merely sulking. I went on whining and complaining about that i should have done better and the papers were hard.. Fine i was annoying. She's been giving me 1001 ways on how to get over this and thank her, i really need that 1001 ways. She had to tolerate me but at least, i get to whine and i feel tad better. How i wish the busride home was a little longer so i get to whine more. 'Oh not again....' sighed Bestiie. Nyahhaaa.
A polite way of saying is 'An ILL WIND' but i call it 'The Good Loud Trumpet'. We all do it. Ordinary people, Famous people, Royalty- We all do it. What is it ? Passing gas is what we're on about. Something not discussed in polite company, but laughed about with friends. For some strange reason it is embarrasing to let out a loud fart when other people are around which shouldnt really be the case because it is a perfectly natural function- although it can often be quite smelly. Speaking of which, beans are one of those great gas makers. Im not surprised many were sacked from one's job due to farting. HAR HAR!. I have no idea that working in an office with colleagues who farts can damage our health, according to the swedish scientist. It is reckoned that high level of human gas can cause serious health problems to those who inhale it. Forget about getting the best employee award of the year, dad. NYAHAA. FAMOUS FARTERS. Queen Victoria. In the British court , Queen Victoria was quite famous for her passing of gas, produced mainly by the fact that she ate too quickly. (So, if in whatever case i fart, i will have to just simply say im doing an impression of Queen Victoria.) HAH! Surprisingly, Queen Victoria wasnt alone. Hitler was in the whole ' Farting Issue' too apart from world war and giving speeches. There's this saying, 'He Who Forgets History Is DOOMED To Repeat It!' I wonder if he ever dared repeating it twice. It as in 'fart'. The German leader, Adolf Hitler had quite a problem in farting. His personal doctor, treated the fuhrer with Dr Koster's anti-gas pills as these contained the poisons belladonna and strychnine they probably did the patient more harm than good. By just slouching in a chair can caused gas to be released. That explains why i fart more while sitting.
How do i put this .. Im satisfied with my english result and at the same time , im not . Thanks a million , SUMMARY . Pfft. "I need to do something about my maths" says Misha in a matter-of-fact tone. OH GOSH ! I feel like my head is about to burst open anyday now. So this seems like a short entry That's not at all important .
Im so worked up with the situation around me now. God knows why. My computer have been letting me down several times but right at this moment it is really pissing me off, no questions. Again, God knows what my sister has done to my computer while i was away. I cant bring myself to say this but oh what the heck. DAMNIT! plus the burning hot weather is sooo getting on my last nerves. On the other hand, i really dont know if i'll be able to face the outcome of my results tomorrow. (WHAT ON EARTH AM I SAYING ?!) I have to stop blabbering..okay i know i can pass. (Now im getting too overconfident.) Im so exhausted just from thinking of it. (Okaayyy .. now i sound too emotional.) I need my bestiie fast but im assuming she's already asleep. I'll just get this over with and spill 'What a terrible wednesday night it have been' to her tomorrow. Im too tired to think of an ending. Bye. Ps: This is one of the advantages of having a blog. You can just spit out whatever to the whole world and feel satisfied about it while at the same time , they wont get what exactly it is you are trying to say.
Ive never imagined myself in the bus alone.....to school . Right. Not like i have a phobia on taking the bus alone . Literally , if its in the matter of 'to school' , i do. Im so used on going to school with Bestiie and everytime i think about going to school alone, i feel kinda awkward . Funny . Its like im rushing for nothing . HAH! Since Bestiie had no school today and im having my last history paper , i HAD TO go to school alone . Now , History was fine . Just that , i need a tad MORE TIME . A BIG 'thank you' hug to Bestiie for helping me with clearing my doubts on History yesterday. So , we wasted half an hour of studying about 'Russia' or 'Collectivisation' yesterday when nothing about it came out today. Even if it did , its not a 'A Compulsory MUST ATTEMPT Question' I can choose either that or Treaty Of Versailles. I picked Treaty Of Versailles for sure . CURRENT-
![]() So , that IS the picture for the day since its the only picture with ME in it . The rest are just , lets just take it as .. im the only one who is busy snapping shots while others are eating their HEARTS OUT. I had a feast at Seoul Garden today and its a total shame that ive never been there before . This is my very first time and i have NO IDEA that we have to do all the cooking by ourselves . DANG! I should have known and choose Home Econs instead . HAH! and if you are wondering , we began eating at 1pm and ended at 4pm. That's 3 hours of eating non-stop. Plus , my leg got all numb and i feel like a balloon. I wont go on any further. Let the pictures do all the talking. and ... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY :) If you are wondering , that's coke in it . We were only given two cups when there were like , 6 people eating. Pathetic . BEFORE . AFTER . (I swear i totally forgot all about it and just merely leave it on the hot boiling pan , I told ya if i should have known , i would have taken Home Econs instead) YES! That black HOT boiling pan above . Shrimps or prawns ? (Whatever it is , its just not one plate , there's four more plates which makes it five plates altogether , How many of those did we ate ?) You do the MATHS . ![]() And AFTER .. The kid in blue is my sister , by the way . Everybody is with the same poses. Ironic . and mom... and there goes , dad ... My side of the table. The other half to it . Take a closer look at mom's reaction . We have all our time in the world to eat anything we want and by the look of that , she looks pretty exhausted , from eating i suppose . The Last Man Standing . He was still eating after 2 hours . Since there are two people demanding for more entries. Ill go for majorities . A Fan Club should do fine. Nyahahha. To be frank , i have nothing to update actually. Not like , purely nothing . Just nothing interesting. So this is how its gonna work . Im gonna be very spontaneous on this one and write whatever that comes up to mind. FOOD. FOOD. FOOD. Sorry. Distracted. Ive never been this hungry before. Ok that's a lie. Right , whatever. I did my social studies paper earlier on and didnt managed to complete it on time. Infact , i didnt really managed to complete most of my papers on time so i had to just note down whatever is relevant to it. I took at most 15 mins just to complete one question because i dont really comprehend what the setter is trying to clarify. It sucks BIG TIME. Being me , i write a lot for a 2 marks question plus my handwriting is as HUGE as the taj mahal. That kills all hope on completing the papers on time. At the last minute , i had a nervous breakdown on knowing that i couldnt complete the paper AGAIN. Not like i fainted or die or cry even. Just you know. Ok lets just called it. THE NERVOUS YET SILLY MOMENTS. I wasnt suppose to tie Section A and Section B together but apparently , i did. I was racing against time and had no idea that it was all written down on the whiteboard. Not the answers obviously , the instructions on how ; whichever method we have to hand it in as . So , i had to untie the string and the whole class had to wait for me and tell me how am i suppose to untie the strings when i have issues with my fingernails . So i gave Mr teacher the LAMEST EXCUSE OF THE YEAR not the my dog ate my paper kind of excuses . Just a simple , 'I accidentally tie it together' in which is a really stupid made ups. Clearly , it was written on the whiteboard 10 mins ago. Anyways , i was annoyed and who wouldnt ? Mr Teacher had to ask for scissors and surprisingly someone brought it to school AND AND AND its not even ART. Next tuesday is my last history paper. History !! My fingers are getting muscular. Quote for the day : We Are What We Eat . I just ate nuts so what does that make me ? Dont Answer .
This week had been a complete rush. The thought of me being an idiot running with my umbrella upwards from the school bustop to the school compund itself still haunts me or i would rather say the thought of that is KILLING Bestiie as she finds it seriously funny and as for me i felt like an idiot. YET , i do have to admit. It was a FUNNY 30 seconds (and i wonder how Bestiie managed to time that) .. Dont tell me that someone recorded that whole running-with-an-umbrella-upwards situation and upload it on Youtube , titled .. "This is what happens when you rush to school" because Shamini said she would have done that if she was there . She's EVIL so that's an exception. Im through with always running in the rain. Tiring hokay! Im serious , walk in the classroom panting like a mad dog with a wet see-through blouse is the last thing i would do ever. Infact , its NEVER gonna happen AGAIN. .KAPISH. Try putting yourself in my SHOES . Ew, Stinks. ok , fine. Try putting yourself in my POSITION then. annnnd GUESS WHAT!!! i woke up at 6am today !!! Can you like , believe it or not ?? I suggest you believe it. I WOKE UP AT 6am !! I have never successfully woke up at 6am .EVER . and ive never failed to leave for school w/o VISITING the toilet besides bathing , i have this routine which is now considered as one of my morning hobbies in WHICH is the main cause on why im always late but TODAY I DID IT !!! Ive never loved my irritating tummy this much . IRONIC~ WE WERENT LATE FOR SCHOOL !! WITHOUT THE HELP OF CABS . WE DID IT WITHOUT THE HELP OF CABS !!! WE WERE SUCH AN EARLY ASS TODAYY !! NINA !! WE DID IT !! We should celebrate , buy me three heineken and one tiger beer. Nyahahhahahhahahaaa! hohhohohhoh! Kidding . I WAS TOTALLY KIDDING !! Yuck! I sound like an addicted drunken maniac. hah!
Any of you catch yesterday's holiday premiere movie on channel 5 ? Ghostship ? in which is like totally gore , and speaking of gore , ive been wanting to watch that ![]() The Hills Have Eyes part 2. The Hills Have Eyes part 1 is the main reason That is why i cant. That is probably WHY I WANTED TO. its my pleasure and its really cool that you appreciate it because if you dont im gonna chop off your head like what i nearly did when you unwrapped your birthday gift when i told you not to until you reach home okay , mainly because i had a hard time hitting the high notes and im referring to the birthday song. The part where i shouted 'BESTIIIIEEEE'. . Heee . in which if i want to sing you something more professional like too little too late by jojo would not make things any better. Honestly , i accidentally squeak when i hit the high notes especially the last part , the part when jojo hit the miracles. Embarrasing yet awful ok. Ken Lim is sooo gonna be pissed with me if that happens during the auditions.What's more , i promised him to watch on the squeaking part. ![]() ![]() |