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Mic test , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 . *Sings loudly* Happy Birthday to YOOOOOOOUUUUUUU~! Happy Birthday to YOOOOOOOUUUUUUU~! Happy Bithday to ..... *Hits high note* BESTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE! Happy Birthdaaayyyyy toooooooo yooooooooouuuuuuu~! *Song slowly fades* HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY , NINA :) So i asked her this morning on how does it feel like to be 15 ? She said that it felt good , Nothing like 14 . Eheeemmmm.. ok, Righhhtttttt . hahahhahaaha. I was really really glad that Dearest Bestiie really like what i got her. For a moment i thought that she knew what was beneath the wrapping paper. *Phew* I didnt managed to snap a picture of what i got her and the card that i made for her simply because i was too busy getting all excited and cant wait to give her , her gifts today . I will try to upload it ... somehow . and i extremely miss going back home with Bestiie :( So , There's this vietnam trip . Im facing what Bestiie had to face before but its settled now despite the tough decision given to her. N80 or Vietnam trip? That might look easy . You might wanna go. 'N80 lahh! Like duh' Trust me , its a tough one. Not until you have to go through a situation like that. Her sister had never wanted her to go overseas as she is worried anything might happen and is willingly to buy Bestiie her dream phone ever. That is if only Bestiie choose not to go. Bestiie asked me the 'Once-i-thought-it-was-gonna-be-simple-but-it-turns-out-to-be-a-really-hard' question. She asked me if were to be in her shoes , would i go for N80 or Vietnam trip. Well , i said that i'll go for the N80 because N80 is a handphone , a handphone which you can carry around and use it EVERYDAY as for the Vietnam trip , Its a one and only experience plus its not something you can carry around EVERYDAY. Now , this exact same situation is happening to me. I can either choose to not go to vietnam and get anything i want or go to Vietnam and not get anything i want plus i'll feel very bad because my mom has done everything she can to stop me from wanting to go to Vietnam . She have that mindset of me going there and kidnappers everywhere or i might get lost or vice versa. Yes! i agree on that but just this once , i want to go somewhere outside of singapore with my friends. I didnt get the chance to go the Melacca trip when i was in sec 1 , i was a very good girl back then and believed my mom on whatever crap she made up , partly , those 'craps' are true. Simply put , being her , she WORRIES a lot and i very much do understand that. On top of everything , her 'craps' , repeated naggings or whatsoever. I really appreciate her very much. I hate to admit this but i appreciate her much more than i do with my dad. Not only did she fulfill what i want but also listens to my needs , Take the Vietnam trip for example , IF i get to go , she will be paying the fees for me all by herself , remember my spoilt mp3 then ? ya , she will be paying that for me too unlike my dad who doesnt even know what is happening. Right. Now i dont know what to do.
Did i ever tell you that i have 3 hamsters ? Did i ever tell you that 1 ran away ? Did i ever tell you that 1 died ? Did i ever tell you that i found another 1 at the void deck ? No ? Well then , Kiki's owner has 3 hamsters . One is Pipi , another is Lili . What is the third hamster's name ? Where was i again ? Ahh . Okay so , 1 out of my 3 hamsters recently escaped. Prisonbreak season 3 starring Scol-d me. Nyahahhaha! Right. Anyways , the two of my hamster is replaced by another two which were given to us from one of Aunty's friend. Thanks again :) I had a hard time but still managed to snap some snapshots of it. Its like on a photoshoot with models that doesnt know how to keep still . Only that , these models right here .. They are furry and has whiskers , nothing like the type in bikini or stuffs. Hah! TYRA'S FAMOUS QUOTE : 'So , here is your best shot' Answer to the riddle is : Kiki. Get it? Go figure . :) 'Horrible AKA Mok' was laughing histerically and talking loudly in class and if you know how she sounds like , you'll know what i mean. She have a piercing yet loud and noisy voice which leads to an irritating laughter and only to find that whatever jokes that she's laughing at is actually not funny . AT ALL . [Everyone around her arent laughing.] So i suppose that it wasnt funny. Mr Dinesh was absent today so we had two free periods and i got so irritated cause she wouldnt stop laughing in which has officially damaged my hearing senses. This is what i did during the two free periods. Drum roll please. ........................ .................... ............. ......... ... ...... ....... ........... .................. ......................... ....... ........ .......... ........ .. TADAAAAAAA~! This is her. and those are fats , just FYI cause many were wondering if that huge tummy means pregnant. Shamini , ive uploaded it. There you go.
My next mood swing will be at 9.30pm. Be ready for whatever happens. I might just out of the blue virtually slap any of you. Hah! Seriously though. [Not about the 'virtually' slap]. Lately , ive been so worked up over some petty stuffs which i dont find that a good reason on why i should be so angry or frustrated suddenly and im worried for myself because its not healthy. Before u even start , no . im not crazy . Maybe its the exams , maybe not. They call it exam fever , i call it THE MADNESS! Then again , it never occured to me that exams has something to do with being angry and why on earth should i be angry on knowing that exams are around the corner ? That is completely unreasonable if you come to think of it again. Its usually just the Butterfly-In-The-Stomach feeling Nothing more. Chapter 3 : Frustration. As always , the most irritating person ever lived is my sister , she is the kind that will come up to you when you are in the middle of something and eventhough u keep repeating over and over to not disturb you again [and you mean it] she will ignore the warnings which usually will led into a 5 minutes fight . Make it 2 hour today , hah! (A) : I mean ,look she is the irritating girl ive put up with for 14 years and i will somehow get over her stupid annoyance after 5 minutes , but today was a tad weird , i feel like smacking her head with the dictionary instead when all she did was just play around with my hair. (B) : I was listening to my mp3 when i accidentally dropped it the first time and just as i about to untangled the earpiece wire , the mp3 slipped out from the palm of my hands and onto the floor for the second time , its spoilt now though , the 'creative' word keeps appearing eventhough ive tried my best to get it off , and i got so worked up with the situation , i nearly cried . (This is infact not 'petty' at all , this is something BIG). (C) : I need a break. Mom's birthday falls on the 16th of april but since all my wonderful yet busy family was tight on schedule and busy with work as always. We celebrated on the 21 of april which is yesterday instead. There's this saying. 'Sunday is family day' Yah , wadever that is. As always , i am the one who always rocks the whole house by playing the box guitar and singing the birthday song. And thats grandma in the kitchen , busy cooking but still managed a smile when i shouted 'NEK! , smile!'
Before. After. And corns ? Fried Chicken. Nasi Ayam Penyet! Originally cooked by : Grandma. Well , All good things must come to an end. Next was to transfer everything from aunty's bedroom to the master bedroom. I wont elaborate much on that. There they was , unpacking and shifting here , shifting there. Perspiring here , Sweating there . Ugh-ing there , Uff-ing here.
Basically , NOTHING. English class was totally boring today. Oh Sod it . English class had always been boring every single day. Dont get me wrong . I loooooveee english more than ever ! But i hate the fact that english teacher is always picking on me , and on the plus side , it is a good thing really because i wouldnt want 'bapok' to get all the attention. So she is officially mr english teacher's pet , more on the dog species. I may sound jealous here but , to be really honest im NOT especially to someone who have ears full of hairs , in other words , hairy ears . So , im not perfect . Right . But as much as my feet stinks which doesnt sound as weird as having hairs all over ears . I just hate the picking game , even if mr english teacher is beginning to hate me for God-Knows-what reason , dont make it so obvious and go scolding me like some shithead while giving a polite 'This is the last time ok , put that away' to 'Bapok' and please , dont mark my correct sentence structure wrong as and when you like because that would make you look like an idiot , and stop with the hand movements , Like SERIOUSLY . Bapok and Mr english teacher should get married. Pick a date. Not only him , Mdm art teacher is also giving me some cold shoulder. Meaning , she is delibrately and happily picking on me too. Just so to clarify and make it easier to understand history much more better , She's the perfect example of Stalin , the one who is more focused on consolidating his power than on the running of the country ? . That dude , Stalin ? Ring a bell ? Only that Stalin doesnt prattle as much. She's the one who is more focused on the un-important stuff like rearranging the furniture and we were being told to move our tables here and there so it will look more like an art class which LOOKS LIKE THERE IS NOT A SLIGHT DIFFERENCE AND IT LOOKS EXACTLY JUST THE SAME TO ME rather than just giving us a PROPER art lesson plus She prattles like there's no tommorrow infact all she does was just look for someone to satisfy her prattle on , and then she will catch me doing my work innocently and gave me an astonishingly stupid yet stupid advice that i didnt ask for any or perhaps , i dont even need it in which i would like to swap that with giving HER a piece of my mind. Do i look like someone who gives a nod to prattle or well said , a damn ? and Of course i love myself , that 'Do you love yourself?' question just simply doesnt make any sense. Maybe she cant help it and does have the urge on asking me that whenever she caught a glimpse of my nails , i do admit i have weird looking nails , its cute . hhahhaha. People are really trying their best to get on my last nerves and surprisingly most of them suceeded, AND if there is a test on 'Being an ass.' I bet a million that all of the above is gonna score a distinction.
Congrats to Bestiie for making it to the top 6 !! Ok , reacted a tad slow but I have no idea that its something big , i thought that was something every counsellors will get. I mean sooner or later they will and i was totally wrong ? Definately . Lets just say , someone told me how the whole system work. Now that she's one level up (Im right , right ? I mean getting in top 6 is a level up right ?) and to be really honest , i dont know what do the counsilor with a level up is called . I swear . I just very much know that there is a president in this whole thing going on, that's it. Oh how i pathetic can i get , i know i know. Well said , Good luck on getting the secretary position , Bestiie ! (Which now , i dont even know what the heck does a secretary position means or do , something related to secrets perhaps ? Because i saw SECRET..tary or maybe like the one who keeps the secret safe & sound for the whole community ? ) heeee . Ok now say , 'Misha, Stop being so dumb.'
I brought back home all these. As soon as i reach my doorstep , unlock the door .
First thing was , I fall straight flat on the wooden tile , with my arms spread out wide like as if im about to fly. (That's exactly how all my books and stuffs were right after i fall flat) This time im not joking , it took me at almost 5 to 10 mins to just get my butts up and move on with life. Goodness! ive never felt so exhausted before. Ok , i mean , never like that exhausted after school . Mdm form-teacher wanted us to clear everything we have under our tables before Mid-year and i did just as told. ok so , Where did i stop at ? Ahh , books. So yah . All of it , i pretty much did carry the image of a 'Study Geek' on my way home earlier , Okay , that is , infact a compliment but Based On Evidence from Source B tells me that its suppose to be an insult, so in other words, a bad remark therefore compliments dont exist so to a certain extent or more so , i would like or rather point out my mistake on carrying the image of a 'Study Geek' to a 'Study Freak' perhaps ? and my tie is still on me so there will be no doubt if people or passers-by have that mindset of me AKA the study I dont have any 'Tie' issues with me , lets be frank , i do sometimes find it cool though but in this case , you are perspiring and the weather is burning hell plus you are carrying a handful of notes , folders and textbks worst still , u STILL have your tie on you , im talking about outside school . Say , the yishun interchange ? Now is that murdering or cool ? My arms are killing me. Both literally and figurelatively. Heh! Yes nina , both literally and figurelatively. :) ![]() 2 , 3 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 . GO! *Sings Loudly* HAAAPPY BERRFDAYY TO YOUU~! HAAAPPY BERRFDAYY TO YOUU~! HAAAAAAPPPYY BERFDAAAY TOOO... *Hits High Note* MOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM! HAAAAAAAAAAPPYYYYY BEFDAAAAAAAAY TTTTTTOOOOOO YOUUU~! *Song began to fade* Nyahahhahah! Oh thank you , i appreciate the standing ovation. Anyways yuupp , Happy Bestiie & Me got Mom something that she wanted (She did happily told me what she wanted) at Happy House yesterday. Its basically something that she can stuff all of her accesories in and vice versa. She Mom had thank me and bestiie. .COUNTLESS TIMES. Aww , No Worries . The pleasure's totally ours plus its not like everyday u get a rather quite expensive gift like this. hehhehehe. Pretty much FOR A and. I FOUND HICKORY STICKS! Calling all home econs students !! I need help , ive erased all this nutrition knowledge off my mind and now i dont know how many is equal to 12g or whatever . Basic ones , lets see . I know how to slice a chicken , i know how to cut a cucumber . How do you switch on the fire ? Nabilaaaah do you have any idea who? hahahah. and Notice that potatoes exist in all of my cravings ? Im not gonna deny the fact that i do LOVE potatoes . ![]() Me and moustache. hahahha! So, tell me. Hows the moustache ? Need any perming done ? or colouring, perhaps ? Okay , whatever. So , boredom dragged me into doing this while waiting for my number to be called out by the doctor for backbone screening and checkups. Basically , my backbone or some might called it , spine.. is a little weird. Simple , I dont have a straight backbone. Its just a little DO IT MYSELF from paint . Ok so you see. The red line is how a normal backbone should look like whereas mine is the one in White , dotted . I have to agree with that eventually. - Carrying a SLING BAG to school is no longer allowed (OR I WILL GET SHOT) . -Milk is gonna be my next KFC meal. -Mom is thinking of getting me a SWIMMING CLASS. SHE MUST BE JOKING! There's more to it but im plain LAZY to type it all down. Besides , im not going to sit around like a FOOL and wait for magic to happen. IT WONT. and TRUST ME, wearing a metal jacket in singapore especially in this ridiculously hot weather.
I SWEAR ITS GONNA BE A TOTAL TORTURE. Dear Shamini , This short yet meaningful post is for you . Im gonna make this a very Sweet & Memorable one. Thank you for not making me sleep anymore in class BY BEING SO IRRITATING DURING -CHEMISTRY -CIVIC AND MORAL EDU. -ENGLISH - ARTS -MATH -PHYSICS -HISTORY -SOCIAL STUDIES CLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS! I wonder what got into you nowadays , SOOO TALKATIVE CAN U BELIEVE IT ? Sec 1 , i dont even know u exist . Sec 2 , a short and simple yes or no. Sec 3 , PARAGRAPHS! Sec 4 , THE WHOLE NOVEL/BOOK i suppose. hehehehehh. TALKATIVENESS , DISTURBANCE , IRRITATINGNESS AND ANNOYANCE . All that is FOR YOU FROM ME. not. FROM YOU TO ME. Getit ? ITS MY JOB TO MAKE U FEEL IRRITATED EVERYDAY. NOT YOUR JOB TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE ALL OF THE ABOVE. Understand ??! MUAHAHHAHHAHA! NYAHAHHAHA! I will be carrying a staple and a scotchtape with me from tommorrow onwards . God knows what im gonna do you with those things just in case , YOU GET OVER THE LIMIT . Nyahahhahahhahha! Bwahahhahah! I LOVE YOU BUT DONT MAKE ME KILL YOU ! HAH! ok Shamini , ill end with a 'Now go do your maths homework on Graphs.' With love, Misha
So, To whoever who has been constantly reading my entries , Good then. But too bad to those who felt or currently feeling Ohhh-Soo-Hurt about the previous entry i wrote about that..... OH! Infact the previous entry where i GAP remember? I didnt know that entry concerns you too and i definately have no idea that making fun or should i say, THE FACT ? of your Ohhh-So-Gooood friend is an offend. Does that entry about GAP actually hurt you deep down inside ? Gosh! I FEEL SO BAAD ! Pfft. GO CRY. Wait , Bottom Line is . HATE ME for all you want . Either you have a reason for it or not , i dont wish to know. Maybe i should apologise to you for making it to the 2nd place ? and do i even sound , in here , LIKE I F*CKING CARE what you think about me. Again , maybe i do because i blogged about it ? GO FIGURE , LOSER . PS : Mate kau tu belolok BUKAN besar, BODOH!
Dropping your hp twice and hit the incredibly hard cemented floor in 5 straight friggin minutes due to some Shitty Stupid , remarkably Silly carelessness totally SUCKS! Gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd !
I hate my classroom for being so stuffy. Either the classroom itself is SHRINKING or im actually getting HAH! Again , maybe the classroom IS SHRINKING , plus the weather is sooooo HOT. Not the 'Sexy' kinda hot , Its the 'BURNING LIKE HELL' hot , and im sure HELL is just gonna be exactly like my classroom. because in HELL there's no teachers , whiteboards and a BUNCH OF MORONS Nyahhahaha! Morons are classmates ok? excluding to those .. OoOooH~ You-know-who-you-are. Whatever it is , I SERIOUSLY NEED A TIGHT SLAP ON MY RIGHT ... noo , the right cheek tend to hurt more than the left right ? .. OK YAH , I SERIOUSLY NEED A TIGHT SLAP ON MY LEFT CHEEK BECAUSE MID YEAR IS AROUND THE CORNER , AND IM STILL HOLDING ON TO MY UNHEALTHY SILLY STUPID HABIT OF FALLING ASLEEP IN CLASS , Unhealthy: because whenever i get sleepy , my eyes will automatically shut and my forehead will hit the table HARD and it HURTS , seriously , and if i dont prevent that from happening . My forehead will be having a torturous time of its life with me and I will eventually go crazy and wouldnt get to sit for my mid year paper cause ill be spending my Institute Mental Hospital and a Its so NOT COOL . I because im tired or sleepy or vice versa , although yaaaaa im PRONE to getting up late for school . Blame it on the B-O-R-I-N-G lessons ! . I mean what i mean . Lets take MATH for example , Math teacher just started on Graph today (So im NOT SURPRISE if i have HOMEWORKS on Graphs to be completed) which is STILL on chapter 2 if im not wrong , We will be tested till chapter 4 for mid year exam (and i thought we will be tested till chapter 6 , *PHEW!* NOW TELL ME , How much more of a DORK can i be !?) so , again mid year is around the corner , (OK , i know i keep repeating that 'mid year is around the corner' over & over again and i know its IRRITATING cause i find it IRRITATING too , ok im gonna stop saying that .FORGIVE ME, SLAP ME IF I EVER REPEAT IT EVER AGAIN ) and we are still left behind on an another 2 chapter so Math teacher is going really fast and that totally sucks cause nothing is stored, roughly. Anyways , im not gonna go on and on about this cause just by thinking about it is giving me a headache. So, I had some ALONE time with my computer earlier , and i am through with surfing the net everytime i get a hold of it coz im sick and tired of going to the same site , i decided to install the disc Bestiie handed me two days ago , basically , its an Installation CD from her Creative PC-CAM , 930 SLIM , which in it contains a file where we could actually upload any picture whatsoever and edit it using basic brushes but i didnt get any chance to do so as my computer was being an ass for not letting me too . So plan B was using paint I edited all my pictures using paint . YES! THAT SAME BORING PAINT YOU HAVE IN YOUR COMPUTER. and it turns out like this .
I didnt really do anything much to it Just some simple DO IT YOURSELF touches like turn it Vertically or Horizontal , 90 degrees or whatever so. It took me 4 and a half minutes to complete it. NYAHAHAHHAHHA! EVEN MY CURRENT BLOGSKIN IS ALL THANKS TO PAINT .
HELLO . TESTING2. TESTING 1 2 3 . okay. PEOPLE ! IM SELLING MY STUPID SLOW KURANG AJAR NYER COMP FOR $779 OR IF NOT IM JUST GONNA THROW IT OUT OF MY WINDOW . SOOOOO ANYONE UP FOR IT ? *GRINS* IF YES , TELL ME. THERE'S SOMETHING CALLED A TAGBOARD IN HERE. SEARCH FOR IT. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaveee you ever experienced a painful scenerio ?? Anything counts . I have . Just 5 mins ago . Haaaaaaaaaaaaaveeeeeeee you ever felt how its like when uve typed down suchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG entry and suddenly your computer goes *POOF* pitch black and then there's this one weird situation where a blue screen and a message suddenly appeared. The message goes like this . ' "Your Computer Have Been Shut Down To Avoid in other words , VIRUS bla blaaaaaaaaa blaaaa" something like that Okay , so maybe its a GOOD THING or MAYBE ITS THE COMPUTER'S WAY TO MAKE UP AND SAY SORRY. hehehhe. But not like that , NOT WHEN IM BLOGGING AND POSTING ENTRIES. sheeeeeeeeesshh. Some Anyways , Its already 5 in the afternooooooooooooooooooooooonn and Bestiie IS STILL NOT HERE YET. hahahhahaha! Okay , i should be blamed . hahhahah! I was such a for having to plug in my hp into the computer and not receive , NOT ONLY Dearest Bestiie's messages but also everyone else's , Because of that plugging in my hp into the computer issue made Bestiie wait at my doorstep for about 5 to 10 mins i suppose ? and eventually got fed up with waiting , so she went back home instead and take a nap instead. haha. She did texted me at around 3.14pm telling me that she will be reaching in 3 mins time which is if you do the math , in other I replied her and plugged my hp in without realising that its already 3.37pm. I PANICKED! duh . She couldnt possibly be waiting for 30 minutes outside ALONE DOING NOTHING cause that would have made me a REALLY BAAAD BAD BESTFRIEND . heee. Nina , if you are reading this , You can actually knock you know or even shout my name like you usually do. hahahha , but its ok la . i know you need that afternoon nap . haha. See , told you im not a About the 'BESTIIE IS STILL NOT HERE YET!' . I knowwwwwwwww you are still snoring there. hahahha. Okay , tkpe . Again , i know you need that afternoon nappy . Goodnight. Sweet dreams. hahahhaha.