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Well , have i done much explaination yet ? No ? Oh wells.. To start off , You really need this smething called 'Mirror'. u need me to define 'Mirror' ?? its ok though . i dun mind explaining since uve never ever read books . and i bet you dont even know what is a book . Neither do u know what a carpenter actually is and F.Y.I its not somebody who makes shoes ok . U seriously need to get your ass back to kindergarden . Teacher!! Wow , ur dumb . im not surprise . But ok well . A 'mirror' is smething that reflects. You can get it anywhere though . Ask your many girlfriends for one , They'd be sooo glad to donate you one since you need your other $600++ to pay your fees . Again , i dont think A mirror is enough coz den it will crack if u smile and you will have to dump it and get a new one. Now i just realised you get sensitive over little little things . Ok , i lied . you get sensitive over HUGE things coz u DO have a HUGE gap . im afraid you might just break down and cry~~ So , Fix that ok ? *Blinks* HAH! No , seriously . I want you to knw how ATROCIOUS-FISH-LIKED TO THE POWER OF 20 you look . You are soooooo UGLY that if you look in a mirror. Your reflection throws up or maybe can i borrow ur face for a few days , My ass is going on HOLIDAY. In other words , Monsterous lookin or UGLY . andand . WOOOOPPPSSS~ if i ever offended you in class earlier , Moron . You couldnt blame me , No one could coz im not lying . Im stating the FACT . PURE FACT , DumbJacka**. i got it from the source itself . its Source based , DUDE-WHO-TAKES-GEOGRAPHY-COZ-HE- SUCKS-IN-ENGLISH which he finds it really hard to write good words in paragraphs . Really . You should seriously shut your GAP and stop making fun of others who look waaaaaayyyy better than you . and u really & truly need to go see a dentist . ur mom told me she already set an appointment for you . dun be too afraid lers , the dentist wont bite . Oh wells~ im totally ok with you makin up RIDICULOUSLY STUPID MASSIVE LIES abt me digging my nose in class and put it in my mouth cause You who thought of that and its really disgusting . plus u wrote it at a paper and asked someone to paste it at the boys toilet and u said u threw it away instead . whats more , U WERE BORED . oh~ GET A LIFE DUDE . u should really save up and get it on EBAY . it feels great , seriously . You should really really try geting one. i recommend u getting it online perhaps . dun be a Fool and step outside coz People will laugh at how ugly u are INSIDE & OUT . I dont want you to be much much more embarass after all this . AWWWW , im sucha good arch enemy arent i . HOW CREATIVE~ OHHH~~ IM IMPRESSED~~ at least , i dont do stories . especially , a REALLY fake ones . I didnt know u were gonna take the 'Gap-toothed' issue very seriously coz everything is a TOTAL JOKE to you . Ok , Now. u can start being embarrass coz u havent felt like that for sooo long aint that rightt .. Cooling isnt it? whenever u open your mouth. u'll get a free COLD breeze in between your gaps . ooops , am i getting onyour last nerves AGAIN ?? pffftt~ see how hard-headed you are . eat too many sweet stuffs when u were young and refuse on brushing your teeth . Now , uve fully grown an ABNORMAL sets of teeth . YUCKS . u bite your pen . EW , weirdo . and i accidentally touched it . GROSS! SHUCKS ! im gonna get GAPS too soon!!!! CALL 911 A.S.A.P!! hehh . Go get proper treatments CAN YOU ? I dun want other people to be Gap-toothed too. ITS A CONTAGIOUS disease . We sadly dont have any cure for it yet . sheeeeeshhh . AND puhh-leeeeeeeeeeeezz Piranha DUDE , GO GET BRACES yaww , seriously . the sight of it , just really makes me wanna PUKE . and i mean PUKE . Ms PanTAT was REALLY IRRITATING .. she was delibrately pissing me off , That Dumb Beast . can she even do anything . i mean she's not retarded , literally . The moron beside me is getting really and seriously Irritating +annoying .. ^ (actually i need a bigger font for this , Not just Huge . Humongous . its an emergency call . i need everyone to know how much of an annoyance he is ) Duhh uhh. How do u expect me to finish my mind map when a weirdo is really getting on my LAST NERVES . andyou too , Ms PanTAT A.K.A Dumb beast are also officially getting on my last nerves too . at least , hand me a shot gun so i could kill this Gap-toothed its better than just sitting down dere and go . 'hey! SIT DOWN!' bla bla~ Teacher's are sometimes mentally unstabled . and to FAT A** , stop going all 'hahahhaha' or i will have to chop off that 10 pounds of ugly meat above your neck .
Today was HORRIBLE . I spell out 'EXTREMELY' . Things just couldnt simply work out fine or go my way or either ways. Likewise . This Morning .. 3 Mins till bell . Nina and me were still running2 , struggling to make it to the end but unfortunately . We Couldnt make itt . TO THE PARADE SQUARE THAT IS. It was our very ferst time being late since 2006 . EVER. although we do play cheat and do flag down cabs if we are totally late . we've definetely shown improvements then . Add that in the Guiness Book Of Records ok ? But being late wasnt much of a fuss or really the cause of everything at all . (The bus drivr wasnt really putting A 101% to wad time it already was) although it is , my classmates evn got frightened of "THE BEING LATE" issue and did the unthinkable . did smethin worse like nt even turning up for school which was really idiotic to have had ended up CausewayPoint instead . BASED ON TRUE STORY. im nt making dat one up .. I seem to be getting typo's really . Dammn Bill Gates , stop fooling around already . anyways , The 'Being Late' part was alright , its all cool .. Like , freezing . hah . But the MR WEE'S morning Blaaa blaaa~~~ NESS melt everything . Hah! Not melt as in 'Alahhaiii~ cair nye aku dgr suare Mr Weeeeee' kinda melt . Its the 'You Sick Freak , stop repeating what u just told me or i would shove that lampost by your house up your ass' SCREWED! YAH , SCREWED everything. He saw me with my blouse tucked out . ok tucked out is a messy one to describe me in that specific situation. Tied ok . My blouse was like tied together , litrelly . Like when u hate tucking in and u still hate looking all messy by tucking out .. that neutral look . yah , use shoelaces . Ok so he told me .. DEMANDED me to tuck in . i did as told . He then told me that my socks was inapporiate and my socks was suppose to be above the ankle not below . i said 'Yes~!' he walked away leaving 'The Monster' nagging at us . she look retarded . I mean look at that long skirt she wore . It looked sooooooooo 10+1 minutes ago . maybe she's also late and had to rush up to her attic and pick up a long skirt as long as its long enough for her . she looked like a walking curtain in it . sooo . i thought Mr Wee wasnt gonna bother me anymore But i was wrong . There he goes again . 'Im warning you ahh , The socks' I KNOWWWW , DUDE . why the heck do u keep repeating that . 'The socks ahh , Pull up a bit . Look at me , when my hair gets long i go get a haircut . see . my shoes are all brand new . see neat outfits . No wrinkles on it . You sec 3 already ahh , BEHAVE' RIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! acting like he is all Calvin Klein's male model. hahahhaha! EW. imagine that . Calvin Klein's ???? Kelvin Hong suda la ehh . and dont tell me if his hair gets long by an inch he gets a haircut which would make him a total freak with brand new shoes . shheessh~ walks up to nina . 'You very good . all tuck in . Socks ok , but must higher a bit but stil ok la' turns to me . 'You! Your socks' NINAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ tuck in konon . hahahhahahhahah! Nina's reaction towards Mr Wee was FREAKING FUNNY!! she was all . 'Ok. yep . Ok. Sure' Cheerfully plakkkk tuuuuuuuu. hahhahahh! i couldnt laugh there but i wanted to . haha . yala . how could u not answer that sarcastically yet sweetly and cheerfully . u escaped the nightmares frm Mr Weee . the warnings . the warnings that im still not gonna bow to . Better Luck next time ok , Mr Wee ? haha. Ok then get back to class . Got sudden Check ups la . After school , followed shamini to Old Chang Kee . she bought this SOTONG HEAD . hah . well then , i was about to move away from the sambal when it caught my school blouse and leaving a big red stain on it . ARGH! and i mean ARGH! I had to went back home alone with that red stain looking half retarded like some kid who doesnt know how to eat . Thats nt all . so i went back with that pathetic Red Stain . and when i took out my mp3 and hoping listen to it , get my mind of today . THURSDAY . 22/02/07 . but if ure guessing that the battery is low . YES . the worse is yet to come . the battery was ok at ferst and THE LOUD CRASH THE WEDDING SONG BY BUSTED SHOOOTS right in my ear . Hitting my eardrums upside down infact all over the place . i left it pause at a full volume yesterday and i got it on today , It GAVE ME A HELL OF A SHOCK . wow . it almost gave me a heart attack . and after that the battery went dead . WHAT IS GOINGGGG ONNN!! hah . try . switching it on again . 'LOW BATTERY' was right at the screen . Ok . SHUCKS! SHOOT! SHIT! i just sit still . not doing anything . absofreakinlutely nothing bad is gonna ever occur no more . i just wnted to get back home . so . The 804 BUS!!! i ran . ok no , i fasten up my pace and I MISS THE BUS!!! ok , now i really truly wants to get home . ok so got up the 806 bus . and when its reaching near the bustop i wanted to get down to . Guess what . I hit my head at the top of the bus . u know , the that one . when u sit rigghhhht at the back . and at the end . if u want to stnd up u will have to tilt down a little bit or u'll knock ur head . yaaaa!!! i miss the tilting down a bit and knock my head which lets out a really loud knocking sound . What a hit . i couldnt feel anymore painful as i was already embarrass . hah! so i got down . and was really really hoping that nothing much more worse could happen . Like getting knock over by those pillars or . FALLING DOWN THE DRAIN which happened to me 2 years ago when i was in sec1 . i clearly rembered that till now . i remembered it as , The Wind actually blowed me and down the drain i go and some NorthBrooks retarded looking dude laughed at the sight of me sehh . ahah . ahh . Ok sounds ridiculous . But i didnt miss my steps . It was THE WIND!!! ok im aint that lighttt . but really really . i felt it was like that , i told my mom and my dad . at ferst they felt all sorry for me and soon when i told them the WIND BLOWED ME . they go . 'HAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHAHHA!' Laughing their ass out What the- HEY come ONNN! im being serious . i dont have the mood to joke since my knee is all plastered. ok , i need a physiciatrist im freaking myself out . hahha . Ok . i need a break from all these exhaustion .
![]() -Ashraf Safdar Husain- The Arena Judge. Okayyy . so i couldnt manage to save his picture right from the net . he's pictures are not published in either Yahoo or Google. so i got in that www.thearena.com.sg and tried saving his picture but this dumb small box suddenly appeared and it wrote 'Sorry, that function is disabled. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.' DANG! so i took out my hp and captured it right from there instead so .. Pardon My Arse ... Nyahahaha! for all the megapixels . so yah . MUST ADMIT. he's nothing compared to ... ![]() ![]() (although he does have a weird smile sometimes) Im with my opnions . ![]() Lets get the Hotter Version of them , shall we . ![]() A.K.A Micheal Scofield & Lincoln Burrows . okehh . that's the fact. im in lurveeeeeeeee with ashraf -The arena judge- i know i can never get all of the above . like jesse or zac or miller or burrows . That's for sure . not even a picture with them. they are like in hollywooooooooooood . miles away . But that sweet luukin judge he's in singapore . weeets! nyahahaha! ok DREAM ON . whatever though . hehe. BACK OFF , NINA . muahahahha! nola . Khehehehehe! we share2 wokayyyy ?? haha. and ive always looked up to people who give ways to the younger ones , ya'know . haha. Nola. alalalaala~ okla okla . i will never lurveee him as much as i lurveee you la ok , bestiie ? (: okok , shuddup Misha oiii . Who knows , he's married . im gonna be virtually slapped by his wife if she finds out . haha! ok . lets move on to chapter two soooooooo. Younger sis had a haircut. An ATROCIOUS one. hahaha! but she looks much much better. whats it call again ? The nowadays trend . the one that look like they have fangs at the front and short sloped at the back . ConCave ?? ya that . So yahh . i skipp school today . i dunt even think half the class came . anyways . i miss the celebration . escaped from decorating my class with stupid pigs stick-ons . Red laterns etc . No school tmrw . no school the day after tmrw . still no school the day after. npes , still on hols . thennn . wednesday + 2.10pm + TIE = HORRIFYING + BORING to the POWER OF 6. hahahhah! ok . im done with this . im sooo hungry i could eat up this slow but decent working computer . Meanwhile . Im gonna go see whats in the fridge while waiting for Mom & Dad to BRING HOME DINNER . HOW COOL IS THAT . starving and waiting . Adioz .
Ok LEG CRAMPS. so i didnt stretch before running . Cross Country was held today . i mean yesterday because its 12.13am. and the only reason i blogged now is because i cant get up earlier . my legs was torturing me , and i forced myself up . yes , it is THE cross country . all this while are just the trials . so i make it sound endless in here . it already ended . NEXT STOP: sports & art fest.. the weather were playing with us . i didnt know it was gonna rain . the sun were BLAZING at first . ABSOFREAKINLUTELY HOTTT! Blame the teacher who told us this during assembly . 'If it RAINS , we still keep running . we will stop only if there is lightning' and it actually did RAINED. AND STOP... COMES AGAIN.. AND STOP... COMES AGAIN... AND STOP.... COMES AGAIN.... AND STOP... unpredictable . anyways . After that , met heidi at the bustop . ive not like seen her for ages . shamini got so excited that the moment shut her up . hahahhah! she showed her talkativeness only after heidi left canberra cause if not , it would be heidi who does all the talking . heheh. took 852 . drop at yishun ; Northpoint . heidi insisted on tagging along . so , yahh . met Dearest Bestiie outside Golden Village . she did texted me , telling me that she's gonna wait for me outside Golden Village . But i got her msg only after i was on my way home . TERRIFIC! something is wrong with my hp. ok . -List Of Excuses- ; srghwrwhlgrwfewerw... ;fewgwgrwbrbb.... ; Something wrong with hp , keeps getting late messages 'MOM! DAD! I NEED A NEW HANDPHONE! , THIS ONE IS ALREADY SPOILT' HAH! wait long2 , misha .
SPOT MEEEEEEE~ ok , Right . The arrow , obviously . if i didnt draft that arrow above me , Then yahhh , Take your time lah ehh. 'THIS IS OFFICIALLY GONNA BE MY OWN FORM VERY , EXTREMELY , RETARDED CLASS FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS' i was pushed . ok , so everyone was already being toooo excited to get their pictures taken . i wasnt as excited obviously . im not at all . Look at where i was placed at . EXACTLY!! Righhttt Behind . Like duhh . 'OI! Stop pushing la , idiot' 'Misha , Hurry2!' 'Rightttttttttttttt!' SNAP! Mdm Mazni ... You ahhh . At least say la 1,2,3 keee. Dont Get Me WRONGGGG. so the ballons and so on . its not about someone's birthday party or whatsoeverNOT. Its Valentine's day . Oh wells , Happy Valentine's Day though People . HAH! they are always up for all this crapp . but never in studies . WEIRD . VERY VERY WEIRD . enough. Im soooooooooooo Pissed and at the same time , i feel like , all nausea i think im gonna skip on cross country tommorow . Ok KIDDING. im going . Ive been sooooooooo Looking forward on goin to Macritchie and back again with my dearest bestiie but i cant cause of some That There , That This . Whatever That , Whatever This problem . The solution to it is really easy , The situation is what that makes it hard . so im glad w're understandable . haha . and i feel sooo guilty towards ashirin ehh? hope i get her name right . Dang! who in their Right mind wouldnt be pissed if u truly really need a simple favour from your friends and they cant do it its not like , i ask them to go to australia to get me a glass of water or somesort . i just really need them to inform the others that Plan A is Now changed to Plan B as i cant get through the others and that i dont have their home phone number and such . That's it . THAT'S IT . cant they just even do that . and 'My friend' if you are feeling all bad and wanna start calling them now . .DONT BOTHER. ive done my homeworks on that . what's with the . 'Oh yah , i forgot to tell her that , u tell her jer la k .im gonna go sleep .. nah-nyte!' NAH-NYTE , your head! i didnt know you were one of those too. Ok so its No BIG DEAL . im just MAD ; ANGRY ; FRUSTRATED . so they can go miles to meet their boyfriends or even pass on the hottest gossips about Jesse McCartney dating Me which is a total Lie . OBVIOUSL Y. ok i totally have no mood to joke around . Right . Dating Britney Spears or Tyra Banks . they can do that straight away . through the telephone . or if they are really that desperate , they would go to ones houses . BUT . i dont think calling them my friends anymore would be such a good idea , would it . They are Just Plain Classmates who would ditch their old friends if they have brand new ones . Im getting my FACTS right and their FACTS right too . ABSOFREAKINLUTELY IDIOTICS ! THE MP3 IS MINEEEEEEEEEEEE! ok. I promise You its gonna be a simple & short one . I aint gonna bore you guys with my long entries no more okeyy ?? *GRINS* GAWD! im never gonna forgive my dad for what he has just done . DID . he totally went right up to my window which is just like really low . and said 'ALONG!' which shocked me to death . he walks . HE WALKS! why didnt i hear his footsteps . he does dat at home . he would drag his feet against my wooden tile and making such a loud distractive sound . and the whole world . nyahahaha! ok , the whole house can hear him walking . anyways . although its just a low tone call out . it really really really shocked me . you know , the low tone . when guys voice breaks . They would really produce this really monsterous low tone . YAH THAT! HE DID THAT TWICE ALREADY! i told him nt to repeat that . wow! i nearly died . ok, exaggerating. faint la . i nearly fainted due to A REALLY BAD SHOCK . and this time its NO JOKE! im really pissed . ok stop . AND wewe . GET IT OVER WITH!!!! or GET OVERRR ITT!!!!! ure still not getting your hands on my mp3 . cut your EGO WHICH IS AS BIG AS THE VIVOCITY AND AS TALL AS THE WORLD TRADE CENTRE looose . Y-O-U A-R-E S-I-M-P-L-Y J-U-S-T J-E-A-L-O-U-S. CALL ME .. ZEBRA . dats wad u already label me as . Thank you . *sheeesh or hippo or monkey or donkey or cow or goat or. ANYTHING . im still not surrendering my mp3 to you . NO . Your not germany . Im not japan . (Japan did that right ? they surrender during world war ? ) Mr Siva is sooooooooo gonna be proud of me if i get this right . ok GEEZ! I sound Dumb . anyways , he's been telling us to read the history textbook , but apparently , we ignored . Kick me . Slap me . THE MP3 IS STILL MINEE . .PERIOD. ok stop . im done with my piece . ONTO. *Today* Went out with my dearest Bestie again . well its been 4 constructive saturdays . NO! i skip the last saturday ok , khai . haha. anyways . yahh . went to cineleisure . Bought a ripples flip-flop . And im sooooooooo In love with it . haha . But How much more foolish can i be. hahahhah! dun laugh ehh , nina . im warning you. HAH! well , im desperate ~! hahaha . i quickly pull the pricey tag and just shove it into my bag . excitement , excited . wear it . ok so, when we Got to bugis . THANK YOU , NINA ! she spotted that sticker . You know , when u buy flip flops . There's a size sticker sticked on the back of it . YAHH! she spotted dat still on me , my NEW ripples flip flop rather . nyahyahhh! im like sooooooooo into the embarassment section although i did laugh my ass outt! wow! HOPEFULLY , the singaporeans in the MRT didnt see dat . or a least , please pretend u didnt see that size sticker . hahhahha! shuddup NINA . hahah! ok . Now forget that . haha . hahhahah! ok i was a fool nt to take out that DAMN sticker . hahah! Ok fine . Oh well . cntinue our search for the day . just a small bag . we need that for dis coming thursday . CROSS COUNTRY . so we then found dis one really cool looking bag which is just what we need . But , the price . well , we dun need the price . haha . ok so . $19 . 'Can less ?' nina said . 'Okay la , i give you $18' 'ummm , we are buying two of these you know' 'Okok , umm ill give you much more lesser discount . $17 ???' OKLA tuu . he keeps lessening it with only a dollar . But still , he does dat w/o us putting on a pathetic simpathic looking face . haha! so , we are cute . so , Im not gonna deny that . hahahhhah! hey what ? im just getting my facts right . hahaha! ok . fly fly $$$ . we both buy the same bag . and i cant wait to put on the same bag as nina on this coming thursday . Ok, so before that . we went to the Lime flea market just beside cineleisure . and man! i didnt know singapore had tornados . and i didnt know it striked and demolished the whole market only . well ,haha . no offence if offended. but really . it looks as though the tornado drops by and said hi . it was in a mess . all over the place . bt That's why its called Flea markt . GEEEZ , MISHA! we both thought of buying the same earrings . But hmmm ... so went back home . drop at interchange , go northpoint . walk2 . nina bought her favourite tapes . i didnt buy any cause , if i did then i would have the tempted-ness to scotchtape nina's mouth . haha . and by then , if she reads this . i bet you , she's already in her baby-ness voicey . nyahahhaha . Ok kidding . Haha . and ok , so i lied abt the whole , 'I promise you , its gonna be just as short & simple . i aint gonna bore you guys with my long deadly or dreadful entries' hah . soo , i just cant help it . im losing control of myself when it comes to entries . so , Im sorry then . =P