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Im uppp . im just hungry soo .. im gonna Blog while waiting for my PENYET . nyahahah! anyways , yahhh . Yesterday was freakingg Funnn (putting aside our 'slengehh-ness of the day' in the end) hahha! its been three straight saturdays , i went out with nina . 'A Three Days Out With My Beshtiee' How cool is that . haha. ok , that's gonna be my next book title . nyahahha! ok slengehh-nesss was really funny. Really. well , our intention .. Nina & me . was to buy the same watch at bugis . -And i cant wait for MONDAY- haha. okok, so we went to esplanade to snap some shots before going on to bugis . the weather were unpredictable . but it was pretty HOT when we got there . some advice . dun go running back (if ure setting your hp/camera on self timer on top of a rubbish bin!) before checking if everything's fine when it snaps . cause if u dont . Then its gonna turn out like THIS. HEADLESS!! hahahhahah! ok , i really didnt cut it on paint or whatsoever . it really turned out this way . nyahahha! ill post them other pictures later okehh ?? (: so we got to bugis . and bought ourselves this cool badge . ya know , the one that u cant get ur pictures on it . The can-badge ? yahhh . that one . ![]() -AND AGAIN , i cant wait for MONDAY- haha . LJS. full house . SO SEEMS LIKE EVERYBODY'S ADDICTED TO IT HUH. no . HAH! Bugis was so full of people . SO was bugis street so . yahh . PUSHOVERS. Push here , Push there. we're Not in ROYAL RUMBLE singaporeans . IF ONLY, i Have special powers . IF ONLY i cant shout Freeze and the world Freezes . CHEY! HOW AWESOME~ Then , ill have the peace to walk around and yah .. I wont freeze Nina obviously . Nyahahahha . Ferst , i need her to see if the watch i pick is ok with her . actually . we both liked it . Soo , yah . Bugis street : $8 Northpoint : $12 ![]() Bought it at Bugis street then. Wohoooo . and we came across this shop . got in and bought ourselves an identical friendship band . Rush to the bustop . It was drizzling and , the MRT is sure gonna be Full of people . so , its gonna be lonnnggg busrideee home . and and and . This is when our SLENGEH-NESS MOMENT messed. so , remember the friendship band . well , Nina quickly dug into her bag .. thinking of tie-ing it on her ankle in the bus . so it would be easier . she searched and searched . well , obviously i dug into my bag searching for mine too . so the search went on and on and on . really . And guess what . she lost her friendship band . and after a few mins of searching . I LOST MINE TOO . ok You might think its no BIG DEAL . well , IT IS No BIG DEAL. but , u see .. WE both lost our friendship band at that same time . Ok it kinda dissapeared . well , Nina was already being too Funny entering her WILD IMAGINATIONS . ahahhaha . okok . IT was funny . 'Maybe , your friendship band and my frienship band had already plan to run away' . 'Maybe , They have legs' OR 'Maybe , the shop owner put some spell on it , so that the frienship band would run back to the shop and the shop owner can re-sell it back' haha . so she was assuming that . and i was laughing really hard . she makes it sound like . 'REALLY , THEY ACTUALLY DO HAVE LEGS' hahahaha. but i might accidentally throw it away together with my ribena cup cause i didnt put it in my bag . But i dunno wad happen to hers cause she clearly remember that she did keep her friendship band in her bag so , maybe her WILD imaginations is TRUE afterall . hahah . and then . The 804 bus . smelly sehhhhh. nyahah . Lols. yahh . (: I'll meet you 'pat the TRUCK nyer wheel k , Nina' nyahahhaha!
oryte. im done with american idol . haha . Ok no . i just told you guys a massive lie . Lols. i wasnt done with american idol. american idol was being done . ok shoot . i dun understand myself . Really , all that im trying to say is . ive just finished watching american idol cause it ended . OR IF ( its in the matter of 'IF' ) american idol keeps going on and on for hours . endless . without all the time-wasters in other words , advertisements. then i bet , ill be laughing my ass out. u see. im gonna have to put aside the 'TALENTED GONNABES' and proceed with the 'WEIRD WANNABES' or whatever they are Label-ed got in the tv . soo , the weirdo's the whole bunch of them are just plain idiots . Really , sucks BIG TIME. ok . IM NOT SIMON COWELL . he's worst . and i will make a wayyyyyyy better judge . ok maybe not . dun bother , im with my fantasies which exactly ive never ever dreamt of being a judge either . But i feel like one already Nowwwwww. nyahahahah!!! ok this is stupid . but mainly , they ARE the PERFECT reason why i watch american idol . ok , silly . Not perfect .. but still . i have to agree to what Nina and her sis is assuming . Maybe they freako's . the ones that cant sing . the miss/mr I-HAVE-AN-OUTSTANDING-VOICE. who said that ? 'MY MOM' Ok prove it. lalallalalalla~ 'SHUCKS!CAN I HAVE ANOTHER TRY?' IM SICK . I HAVE SORE THROAT. Lols. maybe .. maybe maybe . they are paid to do that. to entertain the viewers . maybe not . but WHO KNOWS . dressed like someone being runned over by a truck. its obvious , he/she cant sing . OH RIGHTTTTT~ I FOGOOOOT~ dunt judge a book by its cover . MUST ADMIT , some does . they can sing . they have the voice . but they did to many unwanted routines . or so . OR OR . picked the wrong song . The obvious ones . Figures. but SOME CAAAAAAANNT SING! at all . at aaallllll . really really , cant . ok im nt saying i can . hahahhaha! im with my opinions. i'll take questions or talking bad behind my back in a few secs . Lols. ok lame . mentally . soo . like , some . ( im in the TALENTED GONNABES section ) they have the sincerest reactionn . ( WEIRD WANNABES ) attitude , GET OVER IT , friend . hahs . anyHOOS . forget american idol . fer now . dun miss the next one . where new idiots come in come out without any yellow paper with them . the 'WOHOOOOO! I GOT IN!!' paper . soo . i was asked to read this difficult book from Nina. 'I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You' written by Ally Carter. Well , ive started at about 3pm in the afternoon and im still in chapter one where i dun really quite get what they are exactly trying to say in the book . which the stories. the words basically. the situation . gets big and the understanding-ness . i do a little . but eventually , after reading for a few pages . im enjoying the 10% of wads it all about. im gonna get my another half or quarter or more soon. mathematics . how much is 90%? lOls. so yah , but i bet its a really interesting book. for teenagers . haha. ya teenagers , i finally turned into one okehh. Nina said . ITS-A-MUST-READ . really . she wrote that in her blog so . obviously , I MUST GO READ IT . im gonna go continue and eat . i mean , im gonna eat then ill continue with my readings . so . ill get back soon ? the next american idol episode , perhaps . ill come out with many more ways to critisise them la ok . (:
heart-wrenching memoir from Toni Maguire tells the deeply moving story of an idyllic childhood that masked a terrible truth. Underneath her mother's gentility and her father's roguish charm lay horrifying secrets, which eventually led to their only child's near destruction. The first time her father made an improper advance on Toni, she was six years old. When she finally built up the courage to tell her mother what had happened, her mother told her never to speak of the matter again. When the assaults grew worse her father warned her not to tell her mother, or anyone else, because they would blame her and wouldn't love her any more. It had to remain 'our secret.' At fourteen, Toni fell pregnant by her father and for the first time shared her terrible secret. But just as her father predicted, everyone blamed her. Although he was eventually sent to prison, Toni continued to suffer, almost dying from a botched late abortion. She found herself judged and rejected by her family, teachers and friends, forced into a world of depression and madness with only herself to rely on if she ever hoped to build a happy life.") Well , ive done some researching on the net based on this book out of desperation Those above are just the sypnosis , the reviews . Been waiting desperately for the book to get in the libraries as , yah its in store already but You can get them at Your Nearby Popular but the prices are You know , worth waiting for . so eventually it'll just get them in the libraries . :D
okehh , Just woke up . and yah FYI. i did my morning routines already . hah . anyways. Yesterday was REALLLLYY REALLY FUNN . A birthday party was held at a Yishun condo . Yuyun and Kak Wani's burfday. HAPPY BUFDAE , KAK WANI ! (: Alright so back to what im saying . i dunno whats the name of the condo . Rilla melati was there . its her condo. yah . She's nina's.....um . aunty ? ok . I dunno how they are related , really . hahaa . HER FAMILY WAS REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY REALLLLYY BIGG . ok i dunnoe . for me , it is . and big family freaks me out . haha . Nina knows . she was like . I know , ure a little freaked out right now,right ? hahahhaa! well then . Fasihah's aunty was right . Nina looks smart ehhhhhhh ~ hahaha . Nina's mom reaction was really cute when nina said that . haha . anyways . Nina was really smart to thought of that . i was a little freaked out . But somehow her family was really really friendly Though. really . At the same time , They are funny . so , nina decided to go rounding2 around take pictures . and i was glad she thought of that . cause i was really nervous. well , obviously i followed Nina around . im like her mascot . hehe. so i'll post em later . :D Not by pushing people into the pool ehh , khai . hahhaha! the Stupid Handphone Debating with Kak Ika and Kak Wani . Was really funny . Kak Ika wants my hp. Kak Wani wants Kak Ika's hp. heh . At least its XPRESSMUSIC tau . not ACED not TECHINICAL . hahah. The jokes that nina cracked . hah! i dunnoe what striked her . esp her VERY OWN MUSIC VID! too bad , i cant post it . i dunno how to post vid in here . i need some sErious help on this . haha . anyways , met up with her sdare and all that . sesth whom i thought once was a girl who actually turned out to be a guy. hahahhahaha! Boboy and mia. and yuyun. Kuang asam yuyun. 'Kak misha mmg gytuh, Kecoh. Tak abes2 bobal.' tkpe2. naseb baek present kak misha da bagy tu . hehh. i wonder . they keep laughing at all the stupid reactions i made everytime that Really cute adorable Nadim Gets me . aww , i fell in love with Rilla's son . hahah! 'What's your name ?' 'Nadim. N-A-D-I-M' 'Ehh, Blom suro spell , haha . Name panjang?' 'Hang Nadim' Wooooshhhh! he issssssss soooooooooooooooo CUTE LA! so was Nina's all time favourite A-AN? i dunno how to spell. and Johan. Heart attack time was hilarious . I mean u should see the sissors paper stone sign that A-AN gave . and nina imitated him . haha . Very INNOCENT tau . hahaha . CUTE LA HE . The swing was always occupied . well , Nina's mom declared us as MONITRESS . nyahaha . we can always ask them to move away frm the swing. NYEHEHEHEH! but we werent that cruel . hehh . AYIE EHH ? WAS REALLY TALLLLLLLL TAU! WOWWWWWWWW! kuang asam awak sesth . haha . Well , ive always wanted to push nina in the pool. But tak smpai aty uhh . hahah . Blom sampai Ribcage Lagy tuu . wahhahaha! WAD ONLY , NINA . :D went back at around 11pm. went out at around 1pm. IMAGINE HOW TIRED AM I! Kak wani was really really funny seh! Was on our way back home . She was Desperately Wanting to Get in the van but cant managed to when it suddenly Jerked and move. She was like stuck with one leg in the van and another outside . Everybody was like pulling her in sehhh. hahahhahaha! tommorow which is today is her burfday . she cant be spending her burfdae in SGH . haha. NO! That will be ..... NO FUN . haha . Nina keeps worrying if my mom was ok with me going back late . I was like . 'Eh ........ She knows la . Im with You What ...' hahahah . She always Does That. Its ok la . Shes ok whenever im with you. Sometimes I Cant Believe How Lucky I am To Have Her As My Bestfriend . Well , She's My one and only Bestfriend AND AND . Ive Never Ever Regreted That . :) ![]() hm.
Everything happened in split seconds in the bus earlier this morning. haha. was on my way to school when it all happened. in the bus. hahh. like the bus driver drove like he just had beer or somesort. hah . ok dats normal. i mean the driving . if its on the beer case, then i dont know yet. hahh. but . well , the bus driver did managed to piss this one aunty. hahh! hahahahahahha. well , everybdy knows . Since YISHUN TOWNS moved to semb. the 859 bus is ALWAYS FULL.. so this poor aunty was stuck at the back with all those space-snatchers. when she have to get off the next stop. so , bla bla bla .... finally reach HER stop. she struggled through but was stuck . apparently all these stupid retards doesnt wanna give ways to her. me and nina was like standing right in front of the sliding door . NO WRONGDOINGS DONE RIGHT. i mean , that there is a place where we can stand. without blocking any of the people. it wasnt our fault that the aunty got stuck in the middle when the door's closing. but HAH! dont go out and scold the innocent driver. he's totally got nothing to do with u being stuck , aunty . hahahhaha! THE WAY U SCOLD THE DRIVER WAS HILARIOUS. HAHHAHAHAH! andd when ure stuck . while u were struggling. its not funny mentally , but ur reaction and body movements is . :) i aint gonna lie in here, heheh. but i didnt laugh although all i really wanted was to laugh. i laughed behind the aunty's back that is so she wouldnt be as embarrased. aw, poor her. hahah. anyways. the idiots just dont wanna move. like this one retarded bastard who is standing behind me. Because of him. everybody thought its our fault that they have to cramp at the front. maybe . to some . Because of him. everybody HAD to cramp at the front. theres like this huge space beside him. 'MOVE , DUDE!!!!!' sheeesh. that wasnt all. theres this one irritating reaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllly annoying looking female teacher . from yishun town i suppose began snapping pictures. she did snapped us. me and nina. i dunno if im imagining or whatsoever but really i saw her did that. ITS NOT OUR FAULT , MORON. HOW WOULD U GO IF I CAPTURE U INSTEAD AND SHOW IT TO THE SCHOOL. 'TAKING PICTUES W/O PERMISSION' or 'IF U WANNA LOSE WEIGH , MAYBE U SHOULD CHOPPED OFF THAT 10 POUNDS OF UGLY MEAT ABOVE YOUR NECK!' ok . maybe that doesnt clicked at all. i just have to admit. she have this ONEE REALLLYY IRRITATINGGGGGGGGGGGG LOOOOKKKK! i just feel like shouting seh . (okay , the shouting part . IM EXAGGERATING) or KICKING THAT REFUSE -TO- MOVE -IN- F(ING)-PAIN -IN -THE -ASS -DUDE. BEHIND ME. WOULD REALLY MAKE MY DAY. IM SURE she's gonna show it to the school or something about not behaving considerately in public areas or whatsoever. SHOW AHH. its ur student who took up the whole space! ALTHOUGH THE ONE WHO REFUSE TO MOVE IN IS A CANBERRAN. still , MONDAY , TUESDAY , WEDNESDAY , THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. One out of nine percent is yishun towners. so. really. AND AAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHH! MAN , HOW MUCH I DESPISE CARELESS MISTAKES!!!!!!!!! because of YOU , MS/MR CARELESS i have to stayback aft school tommorrow to have a retest. if u didnt showed up . i would have passed! JUST ONE MORE MARKKKK! JUST ONE MOREEEEEE. HMMM. ok its my bad . i dun have any time left to check. and ALL MY TIME STUDYING WEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNT RIGGHHHHHHHHHHHT DOWNNNN SRAIIGGHHHHHTTT TO THEEEEEEE DRAAAAAAAIN. IT SUCKS REALLY.
So Far , So Good.
okayy . Guys . these few days of school . so far , everything's really going smoothly . Things are Heating up for sure . The subjects . THE HOMEWORKS! REALLY. The questions , DEFINETELY. its like asking . SO , IF U HAVE 3 DOORS . AND 1 DOOR BROKE . THEY BUILD IN ANOTHER 5 DOORS . HOW MANY TABLES ARE THERE ALTOGETHER ? hah! okay , my crapps . maybe this doesnt make sense . AT ALL. I KNOW . i dont even know the answer . its just some stupid mathematiscm question that suddenly pops ? in my mind , so dont worry though . its the only stupid question i can think of . Lols . but really . im SURPRISED . sec 3 turns out to be not bad afterall . the classmates , i mean. NOT THE SUBJECTS , PARDON ME . its getting difficult . But as for the classmates then its NOT BAD AS WHAT IVE IMAGINED IT WOULD BE LIKE . I think maybe the class already has ENTERED chp 100 . '10001 WAYS ON MINDING THEIR OWN BUSINESS' w/o me realising . No more distractions . or whatsoeverNOT . but sometimes , it does get really bored . but dont get me WRONG . they still have their stupid JOKES on them. I love not listening i dont want to . their lame jokes . it gets me everytime . i can puke on how sick and tired i am from just having to listen to their lame-ies! SO, basically . its a break . sec 1 sec 2 - lame jokes. sec 3 - nt really . sec 4 - ? sce 5 - ? HOPEFULLY . =D The teachers . They still CHECK OUR ATTIRES . wanna avoid being caught ? BUY MY BOOK . =D hehhh . okok . pndai2 je la ehh ~. when they ask to tuck in . dont go . 'WHAT SEH! WHAT LA! @!$%#%@!' just tuck in . then , sneakily , tuck out back . its as easy . just look smart . OR 'nerdy' like some of u called it . for just 5 seconds . and when The teachers are satisfied . BE the OLD u back . mhmm (: NOW, dont go telling teachers what ive just told u . it'll be like OUR 'DURRRTY LITTLE SECRET OKEH' ? ok not dirty la . just secret . ME AND YOU . Lols. AND WOW . now , THE BOOKS . im all MUSCULAR ALREADY . FEEL LIKE LIFTING MY FATHER UP ALREADY ! WAHAAAAAAAAAA! THE CHEM BOOK! PHYSICS! GOSH! hehe . i have to go la . haiyeer . im gonna be a 5mins teacher jap . Check my annoying sister's english homework . then im off to . be.............D? nooooooooooooo . TOTALLY NOT. i have to do this BOOK REVIEW . choose 4 AUTHORS frm bla bla blaaaaa . and check the timetable . IM gonna be LIFTING WEIGHS to school tommorow . ISNT THAT GREAT . :) hmm. so . IM gonna grab my papers . Adioz amigos .
First day .
FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL . imagine . Going to school . 'HI FRIEND! , HOW ARE YA?!' Enter class . 'CHER! I MISS YOU , YOU KNOW!!' and began ur wednesdays good . welll.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my wednesday , today , MY VERY FIRST DAY . TOTALLY SUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKS! Firstly , the guys look pretty odd in those long pants. they seriously look TALL and creepy . =D okok. i got caught for not tucking in , folding in . and my skirt length!? starting of the day , after flag raising and everything . SPOTCHECKS ! The flow's always with me whenever it comes to spotchecking . BUT TODAY . i was singled out in front of the whole school Looking all Dumb . I HATE IT WHEN I GET CAUGHT ! i thought the stokings were an issue . but then , its nt that .. CMON . what do attires have anything to do with studies exactly ? THAT MISTAHH TAN DUDE AND HIS ROBOTS TEACHERS . are making A BIG FUSS over that small issue . please la . My skirt . ITS LIKE SHORT FOR ONLY AN INCH !!?? its my first time . for 2 yrs ive been wearing cullocks . duhh-uhh . Guys , i know ure not interested but . IM REALLY THIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSS CLOOOOSEEEE to be sent back home because of that one unreasonable pathetic reason . but but , i escaped . ask me . and im gonna tell u everything . if i didnt escaped , who knows . i might be sleeping right now or going online rather already . Secondly , i got all the strict subjects teachers posted in my class . Take MR DINISH for example . so concern about getting our uniforms right . im totally OK with all these strict teachers cause my class would be one HELL of a MESS if theyre not . But all the teachers the class got . are the ones whoooooooooo checks our attires everyday . DANG!!!!!!!! not only this year . sec 3 and sec 4 sub are 98+1% similarities . so chances are . 'HI , CHER! ONE MORE YEAR OF ATTIRE SUFFERING' i'll see them again . and and . MR TAN 'SHORT SPEECH' waiting for the ending 5mins is like waiting for 5hrs to end . I fall asleep during PC earlier. and suddenly all i heard was his last words which are 'THANK YOU' and i found myself clapping . surprisingly , after his every BORING speech . he always have this one outstanding applause frm the students . must be GLAD to know he's ending or he already ended . THEY SURE KNOW HOW TO APPRECIATE . :) I Really have No idea whats gonna happen tomorrow . theres gonna be a talk ABOUT discipline again . High chances : im gonna sleep . or stare blankly at the canberra logo above . and theres gonna be THAT RETARDED SPOTCHECKS AGAIN . WISH ME LUCK . LETS HOPE FOR THE BEST . (:
happy 2007!!
Hey guys . WOW. i just got back from Marina . yups . DANG! i miss the fireworks! i hate it when that happens .. like once a year . its never easy . esp . dealing with all the jams . hahh! 5 more minutes till COUNTDOWN AND FIREWORKS AND EVERYTHING and we're still like stuck in that BLARDY traffic jams . wahahhaha! packed with different kinds of people . vehicle Honking. drivers .. passengers . them people who was caught up in the traffic was really fuming . haha . must admit . I WAS TOO. esp when the fireworks got bigger and louder honking non stop For sure . hahh! and and . SHOOT! 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 ONEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! STRIKES MIDNIGHT ALREADY . wooots . fireworks. all i got to see was just the reflection . reflected by that tall NTUC building . in the car . HOW AWESOME . hmm . Lmao! soo . desperately got out of the car . me , my sis , my mum , my grands , my uncle all rushed out. everybody did . everybody who got stuck in the traffic jam all rushed out . except for those poor drivers that is . hah . and and and . looking at them runn and desperately wanting to see the fireworks was hilarious . haha . its.. yahh .. plus us . and raced to that ... i dont know . wherever that place is . Marina? yahh . Finally , reach there . the fireworks stopped . so was thinking of getting some shots of it and sharing and posting it in here would be a great idea but ... i missed out . hmm . ARGH! there was this huge crowdddddddd of people . i dont wanna know . all i know is that . Everything's over . obviously . everybody was already like saying theirs piece 'HEY!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!' some were even shouting.. getting drunks . mhmm . and hugging . kissing? whatever . so . WELL SAID . GOOD BYE 2006! HELLO 2007! so hahh . i missed out my very opportunity on the fireworks case of course . wahahha . really . its such a waste . if only , my dad got in the right lane . if only , my dad skip on going to toilet earlier . mannn!!!!! that sucks . Lols. so. yaaa . CONNECTION BUSY. i had to on and off my handphone several times in order to get my messages right and to get my hp un-stuck? Lols . hehh . some were even sent at around 11++ and was finally reached out to me at around 1am or even 3 something . crazzzyy , i know . i got like 5 messages in one go . so i had to switch off my hp. and on again. so its like that . hehh . GUYS , if u read this .. and maybe i didnt reply on some of ur messages cause i received it late THENN . THANK YOUUU SOOOOO MUCH FOR THE BITHDAY WISHES . DONT WORRY , I STORED IT . :) GD LUCK IN EVERYTHING OWAITES (: HAPPY 2007! we had a little party or whatsoever . BBQ'S . JUST chilling our butts out . and 3.45 in the morning is like 2pm in the afternoon . theres still a lot of people hanging around and everything . some were even flagging for cabs . waiting . A LOT WERE . so , i got home . Tired . like now . but the surprise's not over yet . theres still one waiting for me at home . i was shocked to see that my mom and sis got me this one SWEEEEEEET STRAWBERRY PILLOW !! TOTALLY CUTEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! and theres also a card . by my mom . and the words init really really touched me . :) MY DAUGHTER A LEAP OF FAITH TURNS INTO LOVE PERSONIFIED. A Long Time Ago , Before You Even Knew It , I Took A Leap Of Faith & Became Your Mother. I'm Sure I Made Some Mistakes, But You Never Required That I Be Perfect, Just That I Be Your Mom. You Cant Begin To Imagine How Many Times My Heart Followed You As You Leapt From One Stage In Your Life To The Next . Dearest , Athira ... With every step you took on your journey to adulthood, my heart grew with love & pride. In my eyes, you are love personified. What a beautiful ride it is, this journey of ours as mother & daughter... " I Treasure Every Moment" Study hard ok?.. you wont regret, My prayers will always be with you . LOVE YOU DEEPLY . and lastly .. URE 14'TEENS! BE WISE , HUMBLE & TAKE VERY GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF . :) the end . awwww! u have no idea how much i love you too , mom (: and Nina , Once again .. Thanks for the bag owarites , Bestiie . Love ya! (: ![]() HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! :) |