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hmmmmm ..
ok .. im gonna blog now k? im gonna blabber about the weather .. its been seriously raining . how i managed to stay alive when boredom's trying its best to kill me . hehh . anythingg just anythingg . im gonna use my internet , full access from now on while i still cann . sounds good , nina ? khekhekhekhekhe ! okk . soooo .. ya , its been rainingg .. cold .. really . my orange hoody has been accompanying me . hahh . soo.. watched the news? read the papers ? abt how the flood destroys houses in johore ? i dont . hahh . i overheard my parents been talking about it . it did flood the singapore roads a little but ... u have no idea how high up the flood goes in johore . soo ... u know .. now that their homes are destroyed .. before anythinngg ... ive gotta warn u guys .. u wanna go johore : AT YOUR OWN RISK . lol . NO , im serious . (: so .. they already lost their homes . or even their loved ones . i suppose . some of them are homeless . slept in schools . they're poor . if they're poor , they feel stress . if they feel stress , they cant take it . thenn they turn into a bunch of mentally insane noobs/monsters well said . soo , they rob . Figures . especially when they know that ure a singaporean . and they might have that little thinking of theirs . singaporeans = RICH people . MUST GO ROB . somebody's been really seriously keeping their brains in jars . hah . well ,NO . we're not rich .. we just have different higher money rates from ya'all ( the malaysians ) soo , obviously .. the things that we buy here in spore are way much more expensive . which comes to the same . so .. i see there's really no point to it at all . promise nina that i'll get her the season 1 prisonbreak DVD . no worries .. ure gonna get it . (: really .. i know u cant wait . ure excited and angry and really anxious at the same time on finding out whats whats! ahhhah . i'll try to get it A.S.A.P i'll try every possibilities . youuu knowww .. i dun let my chances go to waste . CHEYY ! hahha . sooo . christmas's near so is 2007 ! hahhha! woooots~! . wow ! i justtt cant wait ! hahhahaaha . like so many things coming upp . Guys .. I KNOW THIS SOUNDS WEIRD . but . a WISH is more than enough . well appreciated (:
Prisonbreak LOLS .
ok. Well .. i just completed watching the whole of season one - prisonbreak . hahahahaha . JUST completed . FROM 11.27pm yesterday exactly TILL now 1.10pm . wait lemme be more specific . 11.27pm-1.10pm and the show just ended . i didnt sleep at all . i think im gonna get eyebags soon . hahaha , hopefully NOT . and NINA ALREADY WARNED ME NOT TO BE LATE FOR THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL hahaha . then i guess .. i will start practice next week . sleeping early . =p yes , from 11.27pm right up till now . i know its crazy but . u know . i hate to admit it myself . but i got addicted . hahahaah .. yuuuup , just like everyone else . heh . 6cds altogether. I PLAY CHEAT . haha . see , like this it helps . i hate episodes .. and yet i can still catch up from what ive been leaving behind . HEH . now im really really desperate of getting my hand on the 2nd season of prisonbreak . 6cds altogether too . but its with my uncle so . i guess i have to sneak in at night thenn . =D so like i said .. im gonna watch prisonbreak and not be left out . see . ive been doing my homework . haha . Still , i couldnt sleep so i decide to blog . i think im gonna turn in later . and im really planning to wake up next week . HAH! or maybe if i get into the book of records . then wake me up when its my turn to do an interview . HAH! now , i know who is abruzzi la . darwin la . T-bag la . bellick la . this la that la . Hah! and how they escaped . i know who escaped cause ive been watching nina going through the season two previews in youtube . hahaha . but everytime when something scary is about to happen like when they have to really electrocude burrows because his time is over . i always freak out . although i know that he MANAGED to escape . i always cant wait for the 'WAD IS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT' part . hahahaha . yea . so im not gonna follow up channel 5 anymore . heheheh . anyways , yea.. SAD ! SEE ! I DIDNT MISS NEXT WEEK EPISODE . NK PINJAMM TAKK CD DIER??? haha . =p
IM BACCKKK!! i wanna be back HOME so BADLYYY! ok so maybe i blog too much or whatever . but DONT WORRY . u'll not hear from me as much once when school reopens . LOL! SOO . the last 4-5 hrs has been the most shameful moments ever . WAAAAAAAAAAAAH! HAH! ok so i may get a little over the limit or OVEREACTING but but imagine yourself walking with ur pair of brown shorts and ur cousin's who [turns out to be a guy] t-shirt with ur stupid unpleasant slippers annd ur weird messy woke up from bed hairdo at ORCHARD ROADD! ok the ORCHARD ROAD . so whatt .BIG DEAL . maybe but but ... LIKE WHAT SEYH .. haha . as usual , i have to go fetch my mom from work . but she didnt tell me we're going to ooOoOoOooOoOoORCHARD next . wad la . and i was unprepared . unprepared?? lmao . not that kinda really prepare myself by putting on lipsticks or blushes and whatsoeverNOT . just a plain pleasant t-shirt and jeans is already enough and waaaaaay better than a guy's t-shirt and a brown pair of shorts HAH! but ok . I BOUGHT THIS REALLY COOL CAP not the MASH CAP kind i dunnoe whats it called . FOR $30! AT 77th STREET . haha . okla . i fell in love with that cap . what to do . no one can stop me , once when that something caught my eyes . i want it and i really want it . if i cant buy it on my own cause alaa u know SHORT OF $$$$ hah . then i cant get over it . and when i cant get over it . i'll do anything to ask my mom for it . but i know my mom wont even bother to listen to all my 'PLEASE LAA! PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING! I'LL PAY U USING MY NEXT HARI RAYA'S MONEY! I PROMISSSSSSSSSE!!' haha! SO . this is how i look like init . Lmao. i just wanted to post the picture of the cap itself w/o me init but if i lay it out on my bed and capture it then it wont look anymore like a cap . or blarh . something like that . so then i will have to wear it . =D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() DREAMS.
hey. okay. have u ever dreamt weird crazy dreams like u ate shit or shit ate u . or something related? okay2 . maybe it sounds a little off the hook . but HEY , who knows . =) well , ya recently . ive been having weird crazzzy dreams like my bestfriend became my mom !!? what is tht suppose to mean right.... i mean my bestfriend doesnt NAG . ok , maybe nt really . i dont know . lol . and and. likee someone from my msn contact ask me out. when i didnt even who the hell he was . and and like when ok this is mad but u guys ever imagine/dream running around the mall without anything on. NO . NOTHING .. well , mhmmm . ROFL ! ok so .. ya maybe dreams arent as sweet as it sounds . but so what . the thrill of finding out on whether if all that madness is true is still there . LIKE when u suddenly woke up at 5 in the morn OMEEEGEEEE ! drenched in sweats. pinch yourself whew! its only a dream . onnly a dreaaam . then u recall back.. and started laughing . i dont label crazy dreams like that NIGHTMARE . not me . to tell u the truth , they're kinda funn . =D 'DREAMS that come true arent called DREAMS' lmao ! TRUE ? yea . true enough. so. i wanna go sleep . and maybe . i'll DREAM , this time about david beckham?? asking me out?? ok , sheesh . WAKE UP , MISHA he already has a wife . im soooo NOT desperate . HAH! ummm . maybe a new N73 or N80 ! or a new laptop or go on cruise with TRAVIS !
prisonbreaks ...
![]() ok so . prisonbreak . mhmm ~ the show just ended . ohhh yaaaaaaaaaa! i dun hve to tell ya'all that it just ended . obviously . everybody's watching it . EVERYBODY'S SOOO INTO IT . I MEAN . EVERYBODY EVERYBODY EVERYBODY wooooots~ log in to msn only . 'hello people , be right back ok - watching prisonbreak -' ?????? written on their personal messages . hah . must admit that the show's fab . so really wanting to avoid being the 'LEFTOUT' one I WANT TO SEE what gt everybody addicted . cause all i know about the show is . that guy . micheal scofield (WENTWORTH MILLER) he's really cute . hahaha . ok . and he studies how the prison works before he got in and gt a map of it . his tattoo's . wohoooooo~ haha . and . his mission is to .... rescue his brother and just get out from that prison ??? am i right ? haha . ok i dont know cause i dont know if what i heard frm people is right . haha . ya , actually i donno how the story goes . i just heard my cousin been talking abt it and decided to join in . cause it feels weird not knowing what the world knows . hah . i just nodded to everything they says . haha . i cant reject . i cant say OBJECTIONNNNNNNNNNN ! haha . i dun even know a thing . i know that what everything they say is right although its not cause they watch . BASICALLY . i want to know although i dont know! haha . serious . so next time pple ask me . i will just go .. ok . so the story abt this rite . bla3 . exactly what my cousins been saying . all i do was just to rephrase it . lol i feel like handing out surveys . now , i feel like being a reporter is a MUST . haha . so . I TRIED . i just watched prisonbreak earlier . FOR THE FIRST TIME yea . hah ! so its like . everytime them peeps ask me if i watched prisonbreak . saying the NO word is ALREADY like an offence . u can get arrest for saying that . haha . so i said no la . i dun lie . nt really la . haha and . they shouted at me seyh 'WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!' WHY DONT U ? WHY DIDNT U? I DUN UNDERSTAND YOUUU ! THE SHOW IS SOOOOOO COOOOOOL AND YET . ISHHK . U MUST WATCH IT . NOOOOOOO guys ! i dun understand YOUUU! haha . they're not siding me no more . haha . they're actually siding prisonbreak . so , ya . im trying to understand what's the show all about k CHILL ~ i just began watching it today . haha . even my father or mom who doesnt follow up says its interesting . heh . weird aye . no! lemme put it the right way . im weird . hah ! shoot ! i hate episodes . see now i have to follow up to see what prisonbreak has done to all of the people . haha . i WANT TO . i bet u . ask anyone . just anyonee . randomly . ask them 'watch prisonbreak ?' NONO . u know the answer . ask them . 'how's the show' TRUST ME . u'll never hear the 'ITS BORING' phrase . hah. really , i dunno how say this but . the feeling u get when u hear see people talking abt prisonbreaks and everything . when u dunno a single thing about it . whooo ! its tingly . hahahaha . nah . it freaks me out . TOTALLY . ok . and ... PS: lucky them , they picked out the right main actor . who is micheal scofield A.K.A Wentworth Miller or . i wont even bother to follow up halfway . its true right . IMAGINE ROWAN ATKINSON or whatever how he spells his name , basically known as MR BEAN . play the role micheal scofield . ??? maybe to some . but THINK ABOUT IT ![]() open season
haloooooo .. nothing much really happened today . except for like how *SNAPS FINGERS*i lost $10 just like that . DANG ! The neoprints . the neoprints are always finding faults with us . hahaha . it happens . it seems like just like how i have this bad lucks in handling neoprints booth . whoooosh ~ skip that . i dunn wanna talk bout it . sedeeeh seyh . wahahahhahahahah . anyways , just got back from watching the movie ![]() 'OPEN SEASON' at suntec city . the show's a fab hah . i dunnoe if it is if u put it on a poll or something . but in my opnion , i love that show ! 'The Nature Belongs To The Animals' haha . figures . well , got 5 free tickets from my auntyy . went there with my cousins . we're early . E-A-R-R-R-L-Y-Y-Y-Y . we reached there around 4.30 but apparently , the show starts exactly at 7.30 ..played arcade . uahaha . again , lost $7 on that machine . u know , the machine that u can win many stuffs such as handphones and all that . ive been playing and playing . the PSP was my target . if not , the IPOD . woooohoooo ! but i know i wont win . and i didnt win . haha . its possible in an .. IMPOSSIBLE WAYY . geez ! i didnt know the machine was THAT addictive . haha . i just cant get myself off from playing that wacK machine . i know i cant win and yet . sheeesh . but ive got my limits and stopped at my last dollar whohoo . so . we went in the cinema . we were the first . so we made a fool out of ourselves before anyone enters . so , after every seats occupied . wahlauuu ! haha . my cousin was making a lot of noise . 'lokek ahh kau ! cepat la bagy nachos kau sikit !' weeeets ~ ! kecohhh seyh . hehh . the show lasted at about an hour later . fast aye ? haha . cartoon whatttt . aunties walked in and outt . irritating - ness . haha . keep blocking my view . 'haiyah , sorry ahh . ' but still , they keep going in and out . i just flashed my sweeeetest 'its okay' smile . although i seriously didnt mean it . hehh . w so , the show ended at 8.45 .. started at 7.30 ends at 8.45 ?? hehh . just basically , the storyline is very simple . Here's a scoop . [A 900-pound domesticated grizzly bear named Boog and a scrawny, one-horned mule deer named Elliot end up stranded together in the woods during hunting season and it's up to the duo to rally all the other forest animals and turn the tables on the hunters.] so , elliot known as smelly - iot voiced by ashton kutcher iss sooooo cute . haha . as irritating and annoying as he is , he's adorable in many ways . haha . he isss ! woootsss ~ ! kla . gotta goo . adiozz . ![]() |