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good morning, dear. |
NinaNurul Nadhirah Aunt Lynn KhaiKhai Nat Fedoura Supeng Biqi Kaliesa Heidi Fatin Syai Atikah Mimi Geetz Mel Kina Nong Jenny Nurul Lutfi Nadia Holas K.Fyza Yuni Iskandar Carmen K.Iza Naddy Yuyun Kin Syida Mikkael Dee archives
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WOOOOTS! WOHOHOHOHOOOO! im sooooo excited . saaaaaaaaaaaaaaddd !!!!! thank you for the bag ehh ! i loooove you lots lots lots ! haha . well , guess what . nina bought me THE CHECK BAG !! no . NINA AND HER MOM . haha . yuppp .. !!!! wohohoooo !! its for my birthday present . haha . well , actually . we planned to bring the same beg to school nanty . heh . and i was supposed to buy that bag using my hari raya's money . but it dont matter cause i WAANNT that bag and i WAANNT to bring the same bag as her to school . still , there's still one more month till my burfdae and she surprises me . and i mean . REALLY SURPRISES ME . i didnt know it at first cause ive been staying over at my cousin's house for like about three days already . and im missing on what's happening back at home . so . i got back . tired . finally . IM HOMMMEEE !! mom called me . i ignored . rude? haha . i knnooww . im tired . dun disturb . calling once .. calling twice .. YEE !! NAK APER LAAAAAAAAAA ????!! haha . well , ya that's what i did . CEPAT LAAA ! so .. ya i have to drag all the way next door to my room . and guess WHHHAAAAATT !! weets ~ my mom showed me a huge plastic bag . very colourful , eye-capturing plastic bag . she decorated the plain check plastic bag . haha . and init contained the check bag . weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !! haha . im seriously seriously excited . my heart was jumping , beating really fast . and my body's the one who suffered . haha . penat laaa . im excited then . im STILL EXCITED NOW !! BIG BIG THANK YOU to nina and her mom ! i love the plastic bag !! im sooooooo loving the bagg !! haha . and i love love all la . IM JUST EXCITED !! ask yuni [my cousin] and everyone who saw how i reacted . they should know . wehehehehehe !! basically , u should see the look on my face when i found out that i got the same secondary school as nina thenn u'd know how i look when i get THE CHECK BAG ! haha . THANKS TAUUUUUUU !! LOVE YOU MANY MANY . haha . kkk . WEEEEETTTS ~ THANKS TAUUUUUU ! :)))))
cousin's house
hello ! i sound FRESH dont i ? wahaha . actually im not . must be wondering why im blogging so early in the morning ryte . i didnt slept at all last nite . currently at my cousin's house . had a BLAST ! like how my cousin farted earlier at my face . with the window cmpletely shut . we were suffering , OBVIOUSLY . she herself even must hold her breath . she farted twice . wohoooo ! BAU RACUNN !! whaahahaha . so . didnt feel as sleepy . they are . im not . weheeee ! but we made a bet . anyone who fell asleep first is gonna get a hard PAINFUL slap from us . so i made them suffer . wahahaha ! i know im gonna win the bet anyways . im so convinced . wahaaaaaaaaaaa! im still in my HYPER mood . ok so , we watched a couple of horror movies . anything . incredible tales were up first . then we went on to PONTIANAK shows . i know .. im always up for this kinda things . but im the PENAKUTS one at last . it happens . ALWAYS . some were seriously scary . must admit . the speakers , with the hantu laughing plus my cousin shouting . it gets annoying at times . wahahaha . i was being very selfish . had the whole load of pillows with me all along . wahaha . well , hey . first grab , first get . CHEY ! haha . soo . proceed to , doing nothing cause everytime .. cant wait to get their sleepyheads onto the puffy pillows . sleepyhead ? wahaha . so , they dowanna admit defeat . they started to sing . to the song , 'MY HEART' wahaha . of all seyh . haha . so , if u cant beat em . join em . haha . apelagi . i JOINED in la . wohooo ! i sang as loudly .. trying to show off on how beautiful my voice actually is . wahaha . but instead , it turns out to be . 'ALONG ,SHUDDUP LA ! NOISY U KNOW !!' haiyeer . so , alaa . i feel so hurt seyh when they say that . HEH . tak jadi la nk join singapore idol next season camne . WAHAHAHA !!. one minute of fame pon tak lepass , mishaa . hahahahahahaha!! WOOOHOOO ! kkz . i still dunnoe when this bdk kecik (my cousin) wanna sleep . her eyes are red . she doesnt want me to win the bet . alaaa . MISHA VERSUS YUNI . she'll do whatever to avoid herself from sleeping . all the best laa k . khekhe . okayy , gonna go get my drink .i'll get back. ADIOZ . btw , aunty . thank u's laa . i appreciate you promoting me in your blog la ehh . i feel like a shampoo product already . wakakaka . kla . whatever la . DO IGNORE ME IF U WANT TO . wahaha . hmmm ~
escape theme park .
hello ! FINALLY . sheesh . my dad is so irritating . he's been conquering the whole computer space since then . i want to blog only . DOWNLOAD along , DOWNLOAD along . wait la . gimme chance . after that i want to sleep . wahaaaaaaa . ishk . anyways . just came back . from escape . and . no actually . just came back from my grandmother's house . tired . sleepy . all those dreadful emotions . khekhe . escape was FUNN ! well , hate to admit that . im afraid of heights but i have to be sporting unlike my mom who went there only to queue for popcorns . wahahah . i went for five rides altogether plus going in an haunted house . [1] coca-cola pirate ship . [2] RAINBOW . [3] FLIPPER [4] family coaster [5] haunted house most of the rides were closed due to the heavy rain in the early afternoon . the rides was okay la . not scary . wahahaha! CHEY ! nola . i imagined it scary , frightening , somewhat life-threatening . but it turns out to be ya . scary but not life-threatening . it was fun . although heights were a part of it . anyways . ever been onto this ride called 'RAINBOW' ? which goes up . 9th storey high . and comes down . goes up again and zoomed down . wooohoooo ! should try it . no regrets . wahahaha . i didnt want to but my dad insisted so , i dowan to argue and at the same time watching them getting all the fun . i play along . haha . it was awesome ! had a lot of fun till some funny shameful [for me] moments happened . ask me if u wanna know what la . im not gonna post it . wahahaha . my grandfather was soo funny . heh . this is what happened . my dad brought popcorns with him to the ride . actually , he shouldnt have coz he's not allowed to . the person in charge told him to put his popcorn aside . but he doesnt want to . he says that he still wants to eat it . the person in charge was like ok . whatever la, just make sure the popcorn doesnt spills out . he says that he feels like going to watch a movie carry popcorns in . wahaha . bla bla . yela . so the ride started . my grandfather later then volunteered to hold the popcorn for him while he's having trouble with the seatbelts . so , soon . after everything's ok . the ride started la . wehee ~ but u see . the popcorn is still with my grandfather . so there's no time to pass the popcorn back since the rides already started . my grandfather placed the popcorn in between his lap . so . up down up down . thrilling . wahaha . i seated next to my grandfather . like soon i was busy shouting and screaming . my grandfather tapped me on my shoulders and told me that he lost the popcorn i turned towards him and saw the popcorn being blown away . due to the gravity-NESS . we were on the way down when that popcorn flew away . really far . wahahaha . he still have that curious look . wondering what happened to the popcorn . and i was like . " OVER THER ! LOOK OVER THERE . CEPAT . TU APE POPCORN NGAN MELAYANG PAT SANE ! " the popcorn was all over . it rolled onto my slippers and all that . HAH ! hahahahahahaha . everything happened in just a few minutes . we made a mess . laughed really hard . my dad was too . when we reached earth . CHEY . haha . when we were back on the ground . my dad was laughing so hard !! so was i . and my sis . everyone was like looking at us . the ride was supposed to be thrilling . scary . but we laughed instead . everything happen . ON AIR ! wahahaha . so . laugh and laugh and laugh . soon . my mom was forced to try one of the rides . her motto for the day is . ' DA TRY LA . MENYESAL ! ' wakakaka . she have to . $6 gone just like that . its a NONO. so she tried the RAINBOW thing with my granfather , my dad and so on . while wewe and me decided to go on to the haunted house . the GROWN UPS LIED SEYH. they say that they want to join us in the haunted house but soon they say . ' DOWANLA . NOT SCARY . NOT THRILLING LA HAUNTED HOUSE , NOT FUN ' elehh . pape la ehh . esp my dad . dun act tough la ehh . balek je . pening ahh kpaler . loyar ahh . mcm nk muntah . yada , yada . so , back to the haunted house . what to do . only the both of us went in la . i dunnoe if its scary or not . cause i walked in with both my eyes closed . i just asked wewe to hold my hands and assist me out . wahahahaha . i just heard screams when im inside esp wewe la . she scream ahh . haiyoo ! MY EARS !! stop shouting right next to me la . haiyeer . actually , i did peeped a little . and when i turned back to see who is behind . i saw this one idiot dressed in white long hair chasing us from behind . he's supposed to scare kids in there la . that's his job . dressed like he is somekind of a " PONTIANAK " and chased us . stupid right . i got so frightened and instead of wewe assisting me out . i grabbed her hand and ran all the way out . i was foolishly perspiring went i came out . wahahaha . basically , i did made a fool out of myself in there . well , i had no other reactions . i was downright frightened . all i ever want is to get out from that freaking place when im the one who wanted so much to go in in the first place . hahaha . fun la ehh . waited in a long queue with noisy people making weird noises in there . trying to scare our socks off . whatever la ehh . CHEY ! wahaaaaaaa! i sacrificed myself in there , and in the end all i got was this . being chased by a FAKE pontianak . stupid idiot la that guy . should have kicked him . wahahaha . tak bersalah ehh . BESIDES . its his job , he cant say no . wahahahaa . ok so . we went for a last ride . 5 mins to 8pm . so .aft everyting's done . NEXT STOP : NEK YUT'S house !! wohooooooo ! eat KETAM2 . worth it la ehh . da kene kejar . at last eat ketam . eheh . k . got $5 from yut . got $5 from atok . all the scaring and being chased paid off . =D OH SHOOT ! and ya . i dunt have pictures when we are at escape . i dun have a camera . thinking of getting one . but we'll see la ehh . if wanna depend on my hp camera . wooots ~ the megapixels . lets not talk about it . whahaha . anyways , ya . anyone wanna go escape theme park ? its $6 for the entrance fees . as i dunno . escape turned 6 ehh . ya i read the papers . due on the 2nd of january or jun ehh 2007 . not so sure . whatsoever it iss . its not gonna last . so . usually its $8.50 . GO TRY ! 10am till 8pm . wohooooo ! OUTS !
hello people . wasssaaaaaaaaaaaaaap? =) anyways , been NOT busy . at all . just trying to get myself occupied with stuffs . such as chores . wahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! CHEY . chores ehh ?. chores arent in my dictionary . so . nah . if i say i hooked up with chores . then that would make me A Compulsive Liar . nooono . define compulsive misha . not compulsive la . just a liar . so . like just this morning . my mom's horrible shouting and nagging whatsoever woke me up the reason is : [1] i didnt put all my dirty laundries . in the washing machine . [2] my bedroom is in a cmplete mess [3] i didnt hang the clothes that was supposed to be hanged . and this is the unwanted unreasonable reason . [4] i love to wake up veryy LATE in the afternoon . what was that all about . HELP ME LA . i slept late . there's no need to tell everybody . u can always whisper . wahaaaaaaaaa! =p and and . why i just dont get it . dont they get awesomely sick&tired of repeating them all over again , prattle ? has become like one of thier constant hobbies . they're like bestfriends already . =D ok . i gotta go . just receive a last minute plan . go theme park ?? of all . hmm ~ wokay .. adioz .
thursday , 23rd november 2006 : 1.47am
hey ! im back with nothing in mind . nothing much happened on 20th , 21st , 22nd . i last blogged at 19th . its considered as 23rd november 2006 ler today cause its already 12.32am . anyways . currently listening to . 'ALL BECAUSE OF YOU' by taufik . wahahah . to keep my mood up . i dun really listen to him . but . i was asked . or demanded rather. wahaha . asked la . demanded kinda harsh . eheh . asked by a taufik fanatic to download this song and send it to her . and i fulfill the request .hehehe . she's no longer THAT taufik fanatic la . recently became a fan to an another person . taufik tolak tepi seyh . hahahaha ! chey . besides its okay . taufik still have misha ler , yun . wahahaha . TAK TAU MALU ehh . haha ok . umm . my grandmother was seriously funny just now . she kept asking me . ' TIRA , BOLONG TAK ? ' hahahaha! . it was supposed to be blog . but she said BOLONG instead. she kept asking me . repeating it somemore . ' TIRA , BOLONG TAK ? ' hahahaha! i laughed my ass out . i know its rude . but what am i suppose to do . its HILARIOUS . i tried to correct her . but failed cause i was laughing and laughing . my dad was too . so was wewe . FINALLY , my dad was the one who corrected her . haha . so she laughed la , her face turned extreme red seyh . haha its okay . everyone makes mistake ! wahahahahahaha! cute la she . hahahaha !!! chey . how rude . hahaha . im categorise under . 'THE BEST WHEN IT COMES TO LAUGHING AT PEOPLE' . haha . cause i must admit . WHEN I LAUGH . I LAUGH HARD . haha . ask my dad . he gave me that title . heheh . feeling so . not hungry but hungry . i need something to munch on . i'll get back . i have to go food - hunting . wohooo . wehehehehehe ! k bye . adioz . =)
sleepover !
hey . just woke up . ya . i mean ive already done all my morning routines . afternoon routines rather been seriously tired yesterday . i slept the whole day yesterday . well , ya. i did went out but still tired . had a sleepover on 17 !! [i slept at coming to 6 coz i cant really sleep] so . that explains why i was freaking tired yesterday . ok . the sleepover . it was soooooooooo fun . haha . look who's hosting laaa . nina & me . haha . actually . nina was being the serious one . i was just goofing around . :D we thought that many cant turned up . so we thought its gonna be boringg . but finally . many turned up . define MANY . JUST MANY . many many . alot . i feel like a kindergarten teacher already . so. well , we had games in the afternoon . such as . dog and bone . seems like . everybody wants to be in my grp . wohoo ! haha . actually no .. the trick is to just go their way . cause playing dog and bone with all this kids . there will be fights . TRUST ME . but sometimes frustration gets a little heated up . so . we nina & me was frustrated . the kids were not listening to us . but i just keep my smiles up . nina was painfully struggling too . cause she's frustrated . and when she is she is . nina and wewe [the burfdae gerl] did a lot of shouting not me . so . thank you . if it werent for them . then i dunnoe what's gonna happen . things will go out of control . cause i cant shout . wahahaha . nolaaa . i cant bring myself to shouting . ' LISTEENNNNNNNNNNNNN !!! ' ' SHUUUUTTTTT UUUUUUP !!!!!!!' HAHA . so . after that . we had pizzas . wohooo! picture the kids lined up for pizzas . wahaha . my kitchen suddenly turned into a canteen . :D actually before that we played guessing games i cracked a lot of lame jokes . actually its kinda funny . heheh . i dunnoe if to this small little kids the jokes are hilarious . no , actually . nina and i was laughing pretty hard . actually all my jokes are kinda insulting . sarcastic ones . like . who brought presents ?? raise hands ! hahahahaha ! nina gave me that 'OI' look . hahahahahahahahahahaha! cute la she . next time dun give me that look ehh . i feel serbe salah u know . wahahahahah ! im just askingg peee . if dunt bring present dun raise up la . as simple as that . not gonna kick u out or anything . dun embarass2 . its no good . khekhekhe !!! and the kids wont understand . what is it im trying to deliver . for sure . maybe . hope so . aqilah she's sooooo cute !!! so after dog and bone . everybody's tired . then we went for a movie cheyyy . no . dvd . heheh . so . watch dorm . nobody was paying attention to the video . they were for the past half hour . then begin to talk amongst themselves . some of them have to go home . ya . we started at 3.30 . and its like gonna be 7 something . so . fitria ernie & her sis fareena all that . have to go home . they hesitated . cause i know . they will have that mental mindset that they're gonna miss something fun . and seriously . it isss funnnn . the girls called when they reached home . asking who's still at my house and everything . so . that explains . and we carried on . we played passing parcel . tug of war . i won ! wahaha . 'nina & i' versus 'the kids' . we nearly won . but i fell . shoot ! and nina was still dragging me . murderous seyh she . heheh . and she still have the cheeks to laugh . and if nina read this . i bet u . she will surely say . yala . i still have the "cheeks" to laugh wadd . haha . actually . yala . picture me being dragged . heheh . and many more games ya . strange games we created with the blankets . i got sqaush with a pile of kids . i was at the bottomm . it hurts . no joke . oxygen ! i was like . i need oxygen !! so . but funnnnnnn !! soon . everybody have to go home . everybody was like 5 mins okay mom ? 10 mins ? 9.30 caaaaan ??? wahaha . its okay . there's always next yr . ;p only nina , yuyun and izyan was gonna be sleeping over . so . after accompanying everybody home . we went to 7-11 and bought um . snacks . instant noodles . so . we had blast back home . we ate . watch tv . we werent really playing anything . any games . cause everybody was already freaking tired . watch the wig . BORING . switch to the open water . yuyun , izyan and wewe . were already entering their dreamlands . wahaha . so they went to sleep leaving me and nina . so we carry on watching open water . so . that's what we do basically . i cant recall what's next . no actually . my stomach's complaining . i have to eat fast . or . actually , i cant work if my stomach's empty . i'll get back . gonna go eat adioz . here's some of the pictures .. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() blogskin .
ok ! now im like freaking PISSED with my sister . she hit my nose real hard seyh !!! tried to steal back my book from her . and she accidentally hit my nose . ok la . accidentally . but it still huuuuuuuurttttts !! u know how freaking painful it is right . im typing with my eyes watery[red] . my left hand rubbing my poor red nose . and my right hand typing . doing its work . as usual . heh . only that . im typing real slow . coz . my right hand doing all the work alone w/o its left partner . somemore . my chocolate is MISSING seyh ! when i really have that craaaaaaaaaaving to eat chocolate . something is always not letting me . like . i almost fainted when i found out that im stuck in the toilet . just now . the door just cant seem to budge . cant seem to open . i started to 'panic in the toilet' la heh . aft a few mins . then i found out why the door wouldnt budge . I DIDNT UNLOCK THE LOCK . didnt unlock the door la rather . that was why im stuck . see slenger seyh ! it happens . so many times .. hmmm~ ish2 . ok . back to all the sweet stuffs . dun give me jelly . they're my enemies .. heh . i dun really like cakes too . sweets . depends . im weird . its okayy . its unique , not weird misha . hehehx . okok . im tired from choosing what blogskin i want . from . 5.40pm all the way till right now . 10.15pm . apparently , i still didnt get the blogskins that i wanted . satisfy me rather . dun get me wrong . i love all . but just not up to my expectations . this blogskin that im using here . its TEMPORARILY . i'll change it to whatever blogskin when i found the one that satisfy me . but . im using this for the mean time . well , ok . my nose still hurts . im gonna stop here . bye . ouch ! =) bye .
![]() okehh . umm. just got back from vIVO city . 'wahaaaa!!!!!!!!!' hehe . i jus love imitating nina's laughter . 'wahaaaaaaa!!!!' haha . funny la she . elehh HAPPY FEET : BABY NK NIE . BABY NK TU . NAH NIE BABY NAK ? ![]() cute la tuu . ey takk . cute kepeeeeeer !? hahahahahahaha! heh . wahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! ok . so got back from vivo city . ya . told ya that already starting2 . went there to search for wewe's present . found what we wanted to buy her . that thing is gorgeous heheheee . no seriously . im jealous . but but , its okay . so we took the MRT . stop at harbourfront . ya'll know that . reach there already wohoooo ! the place wasnt that big . YA its big alryte . not as big as big as BIGGGG ! huge isnt the right word too . umm . its just big . get wad i mean . ya . we sotta got lost when we wanna go home . where is LOBBY L ???! but no worries la . u'll find directories of the shopping centre at every corner . even an ownself walking directory got lost . wahaaaaaaaaaa!! so . a lot of different new faces i saw . short . tall . dark . tanned . fair . pale . it wasnt so busy when we first arrived cause we got there at around 1pm . but the population started to increase by time . hmmm ~ . heheh . first stop .. ok wait . i ask nina . she also dunnoe . i forgot what's the ferst shop we went in la . ok basically . lets start with THE BASEMENT 3 !!! hehehe . . that's the only basement i likke =D wahaaaaaaa!!!!! nolaa i dunnoe why its called basement . its at the last floor and outdoors . basement sounds funny . haha but whatever . i know laaa the purpose we went there is to go find wewe's present . but we jakon's ler . everywhere want to go . so . we stop at this place. i also dunnoe where . its at basement 3 la . its like a place where ppl can hang out and do stuff like play with this pool of water stuff . where its only our knee high level ? below our knee . wads dat call ar ? feet ehh . ah. anything la . its just shallow . hehe . it was SOOOOO FUN . we did many things la . we run about . splash2 water at nina and nurul's face . muawahaaa!! i sure did enjoy every minute of it . kecian nurul .. basah yer ? padan muker's !! tulaaa saper suro tak tolak je sad . nnty aku join in . khekhekhe . kla . im wet NOT DRENCHED . haha . cause everytime they aimed at me , i run . run there . run here . everywhere i run . haha nolaaa . gile tu namernyer . wahaaaaaaaaa!! no . i just run along the side . i play cheat . wahaaaaaaa!! we were making a fool out of ourselves basically acting like a 5 year old . ya actually we sotta conquer the whole pool coz this ppl kinda back away from the pool some were even struggling to get away . wahaha. cheyy . nolaa . maybe they think that we're insane ? maybe ? wahaha . aww . cmon guys . we're harmless . khekhekhe !!! come join in the picture ! wahaaaaaaaa!! ppl are like giving us this weird reaction . but we carried on . heck care . muahahahahaha . no time la want to layan having funn what . took pictures with the colourful cute sculptures . im so tempted by themm . seriously . we kinda run around the whole basement 3 arr . taking pictures . i'll post the pictures after everything here's done wokayyy ? so . its outdoors . HOT !! but whatever . we enjoyed the everything . go there . dont miss basement 3 !! take pictures ! okok . so back to business . aft a few hrs . go back inside the shopping mall . wehehe . no .. we've not started yet . eat . hungry . LJS . eat eat eat . its frigging crowded . with people taking up OUR vacant seats . cheyy . OURS seyh . haha . so we had to wait . finally . a vacant seat for two ~ hmm ~ two ? there's three of us . me , nina and nurul's a crowd . much to our annoyance !!!!! wahaahahahah!! nolaa . joking yer nurul =D that's from u , me and dupree . i copied it . but i turned it other way around okay2 . so sometimes i do get over the limit . but man !! IM EXCITED ! i know . so . no choice . that's it . table for two . steal a chair from the neigbour's table . and here we go . three person eating at a small pathetic wooden table . order everything already then everybody started leaving . SO THEN THERE WAS A LOT OF VACANT SEATS . what did we even do to them . why is everybody running away from us . we're just three innocent looking harmless human beings lehh who comes to LJS to eat . eat chicken . we dont carry weapons . nevertheless , bite . wahahahahaha! sedeh seyh ! wahahahaha whatever la . its better anyways . tak rimas with all the unwanted crowds . =D so . aft eat . then our mission starts . JENG JENG JENG ! we go from one shop to another . CAUTION : for your own safety please stand behind the yellow lines . demi keselamatan anda , harap berdiri di blakang garisan kuning . tachiachi u-ee . bla bla bla . hoho . i was trying to say that in mandarin . i cant speak mandarin . obviously not type it . anyways . ya .. mandarin's not in letters . what am i even thinking !!? chey !!! nolaaa . ya the above is true actually . stand behind the yellow lines . but that wasnt what i was trying to deliver . earlier at vivo city . i nearly fall but lucky i didnt . there was a puddle there . kinda slippery . so. thank u my life & shamesaver [nurul's shirt] nt nurul . =D if it werent for u . i'd fall . u were the thing i'd cling on to if i fall . wahahaha . be careful ya guys . watch yr steps . =) u wouldnt want to mess up everything and fall right in front of the escalator in a brand new shopping centre . NOT IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY. or matsalleh's in black tuxes . they look stupid seyh . haha . wear tuxes in malls . wahaaaaaaa! weirdos ! hahahahaha! ok nolaaaa . they're there for a reason . but they look funny . its like having a group of donkeys let in a mall . haha . okok . that was a lame example la . but they look funny . okla okla . everyone would be staring . so . okayy . go to shop . see see . nothing perfect . and at last . we found this 'mu-ee' shop . that's where we got wewe's present . so . i cant tell cause for sure she'd be checking out my blog . wait till this fridayy ehh . ok . so . WEWE'S BURFDAY PRESENT [CHECK] done . still 2 something . guess what . BASEMENT 3 here we comeeeee!!! we went there AGAIN . its fun la . so at about 3 sumthin . went back . wohoo ! tired . oklaaa ... so . here's the pictures we took . ![]() awwww . i know . i know . i love you too green creature . =p ![]() nice designs BULL ! =P ![]() hello !! ![]() nina&misha =) ![]() FAKE JADE KEPER ?! WAHAHAHA . why? oh soo depressed . chey ! . yela misha =p ![]() nurul&me . =p ![]() &the feeling2 titanic la tuu . weets ~ ![]() nina&misha . =) ![]() wohoooo ! peace =) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |